Chapter 8

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Sirius awoke and found Remus was still asleep but his usual color had returned to his face. Sirius planted a kiss on the side of Remus's face smiling to himself.

The door then opened with a big swing hitting the wall and making Remus jolt awake. There was James. "Oh crap, I didn't mean to disturb you," James said now looking very flustered.

"Potter, I know!" Sirius yelled out getting out of bed and running towards James. "Moony liked me and those two tricked us" he almost squealed.

James chuckled and looked over Sirius' shoulder at Remus who was stretching "I guess you're having fun on veritaserum" he smiled.

"Isn't Regulus waiting for you to snog him somewhere?" Remus asked and James just chuckled, dropping off his school items before going back down the stairs.

"How are you feeling?" Sirius asked walking back over and sitting on the edge of the bed.

"A lot better" Remus replied swinging his legs so that he was also sitting at the edge of the bed. "This bloody potion doesn't ware off for another four hours," he sighed.

"Does that mean you have to stay cooped up here with me?" Sirius smirked.

"I could just read a book and pretend you aren't here" Remus replied. He couldn't take his eyes off Sirius. His long black hair went down to his shoulders with short curls at the end, his blue eyes seemed to hold oceans in them and his lips spread into that smirk.

"But I think I might prefer doing something else" Remus added.

Sirius raised an eyebrow interested "What did you have in mind?"

Remus then felt a tug in the pit of his stomach and he instantly knew what to do, he placed his hands on Sirius' waist and pulled him to his lap on the bed. Their eyes met and Sirius was grinning from ear to ear.

"This is what I had in mind" Remus replied and with that, he pressed his lips to Sirius'. Sirius placed his hands on Remus's face grinning into the kiss. Merlin, he was so happy. To have Remus so close, to be able to run his hand through those messy mousy brown curls, and to stare for so long into those amber eyes, it felt like he now had everything right beside him.

James was rather happy to go and find Regulus in the library and deliver the news. "At least my brother can stop giving me death stares thinking I broke Remus's heart" Regulus chuckled as he dipped his quill into the inkpot and finished the sentence he was writing.

"As much as I like secretly making out with you, are we going to tell the others," James asked, he was sitting on the table next to where Regulus was.

"Of course yeah, I haven't even told Barty and Evan, Pandora will probably kill me for not telling her also" Regulus replied as he began packing his things away.

"Yeah she might kill you if Sirius doesn't get to you first, he's gonna murder you for getting to kiss Remus before him" James chuckled as he took Regulus' satchel slinging it over his shoulder.

"I can carry my stuff" Regulus snapped at him.

"Yeah, but I'm bigger than you don't want to hurt those hands of yours" James chuckled which owed him an eye roll from Regulus and a telling-off from the librarian for being too loud.

The two made their way out of the library and they went and found Barty, Evan, and Pandora sitting at the Slytherin table for dinner.

"Finally, I've been socializing with them for ten minutes, they're worse than Sybil," Pandora said referring to one of the Ravenclaw girls she shared a dorm with.

"James and I would like to let you know we are dating, Dora the thing between me and Remus was fake" Regulus said sitting down at the table with James, stating it as if it was a normal conversation topic.

"Git," Pandora said kicking him under the table. "You could have told me, did these two know," she said pointing to Barty and Evan who were smirking.

"Yes, I guess that shows who are his favourites" Barty grinned.

The dinner was mostly about that topic and other than some small threats from Barty towards James if he double-crossed Regulus it went well.

When the two walked out James had a smile on his lips. "Your smiling and I don't like it," Regulus said.

"We're going to Gryffindor common room, Sirius will be there, he's gonna murder you, and I can murder Remus, that git kissed you before I did" James replied his voice cheeky the whole way through his small speech.

Regulus rolled his eyes at James ' smile and they soon found themselves in Gryffindor tower. The place was quiet and Regulus was glad to see that Remus and Sirius weren't there and must have gone down to dinner.

He stayed there with James reading his book on one of the comfy armchairs while James, Peter, and Marlene were playing exploding snaps at his feet.

It was half an hour after dinner ended when Sirius and Remus's finally returned to the common room. "Regulus you little git" Sirius said eyeing his brother. Regulus began to edge himself towards the door.

"What am I to say Remus is a good kisser" he grinned before bolting out the portrait hole closely followed by Sirius.

"We're good right," Remus said cheekily, he was a lot better from this morning with both a full stomach and now no longer on veritaserum.

"I'll give you two the count of five," James said and began counting which gave Remus the hint and he followed in Regulus actions and bolted.

The four boys were soon together, Regulus and Remus running side by side through the dark halls with Sirius and James close behind.

Finally, Sirius launched himself at Regulus tackling his smaller brother into a headlock on the ground, and seconds after James had Remus on the ground.

McGonagall walked around the corner after hearing the loud sounds and let out a sigh "Detentions all of you, my office tomorrow morning and I'll tell you what your punishment is" she said sternly but there was still a bit of curiosity in her voice.

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