Chapter 4

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When it grew colder and more bitter all the students of Hogwarts found themselves wrapping up in warmer clothes, their house-colored scarfs being wrapped tightly around their necks.

Then the middle of November Hogsmeade trip came, the older students usually used this time to buy Christmas gifts for their friends and family or take advantage of the much quieter castle for their studies or more nefarious activities.

James and Sirius found themselves very annoyed that Regulus and Remus had told them that they wouldn't be joining them on this trip but going on the trip together. Dorcas and Pandora Lovegood found themselves, victims to the never-ending rage of James and Sirius and how the two never hang out with them anymore.

"Love is love, you deal with it" Pandora chirped but she wasn't too happy with the arrangement herself, she was a Ravenclaw that usually found most her time with Regulus but now he seemed to be scurrying around with Remus so much that she had been forced to stay around the Gryffindors and hear there unending moans about the new relationship.

Remus and Regulus had spent the day quite well. They bought new quills and books, Christmas presents, and sweets and were finished by noon in the three broomsticks. Usually, the two would find themselves stuck in Zonkos while James, Peter, and Sirius ran around like madmen.

The two decided to go back to the school and there they studied, something harmless as always but they knew at this moment the others would be thinking they would be up to something more.

"Kill me Reg" Remus then murdered letting his face fall onto his book in the empty Slytherin common room, somewhere he had become very used to.

"Why's that?" Regulus asked not even looking up from his book.

"It's been a whole month and a half and nothing, no new boyfriend, those lunatics are still as frantic and stupid as before" he groaned.

"Patience my friend, patience"

The full moon came a few days later and James and Sirius nearly lost it that morning after.

Remus was ready.

He was so ready he just needed to give them some extra motivation.

The morning after he had managed to get a new scar just under his chin and he found himself in the familiar bed in the hospital wing. James, Sirius, and Peter were already there as soon as Madam Pomfrey had done patching it up, which she was always exceptional at.

Regulus then came in and Remus felt summoned to do something to stir it up. He grabbed the boy's face as soon as he was close enough and kissed him on the lips, it was small, meaningless between the two, but in seconds they knew it was everything.

James had turned a violent color of red and his face seemed to show a mix of annoyance and discomfort, Sirius was eying them both as if they had something to explain and Peter had gasped.

The two had never discussed full-on kissing but it had never come up. Regulus gave Remus a small cheeky grin, they knew what they had done and it felt awesome.

Sirius, James, and Peter for a start didn't even know Regulus knew about  Remus being a werewolf. Regulus had figured it out a year ago. Only James, Sirius, Peter, Lily, and Regulus knew.

The four were soon ushered out of the wing and Remus felt rather overjoyed by the whole thing, this was going to work.

It did.

James was annoyed, he had been driven to a point where he felt like he had to tell Regulus no matter the consequences, but he could bearly find the boy alone and couldn't pull him aside without arousing suspicion, so he waited.

Two whole weeks passed since the full moon and the end of November was nearing of course some sort of party was being hosted in the Gryffindor common room at this time.

The common room was blaring songs, a mix of Muggle and wizard ones but no one seemed to care. Most people there were so intoxicated the whole place smelt like it had been perfumed with the scent of firewisky.

Remus was drunk, very drunk he usually found himself having only one or two drinks but now he had lost count, the room blurred from time to time and he even was dancing to the songs that Marlene was encouraging him to keep doing.

Sirius was also a drunk mess beside Remus. Remus felt almost shocked that he was able to keep his composure. Sirius was wearing almost all black. Black heeled boots, black ripped jeans, a black leather jacket, and even black eyeliner. The only difference was a red tank top that Remus had seen Mary wear before. It exposed his midriff and Remus couldn't help occasionally darting his eyes there.

James and Regulus were not, and James was happy about this because as soon as he could he grabbed Regulus' arm and dragged him up the stairs to his dorm.

"Regulus, can I say something?" James asked quickly.

Regulus walked over to the end of James' bed where his trunk was and sat on it. "The floors yours Potter," Regulus said gesturing to the space around them.

But James didn't use that space he came right up to Regulus, resting his hands on the trunk on either side of Regulus towering over the shorter boy, their faces inches apart. Regulus was surprised he was able to breathe, let alone keep eye contact with the boy above him.

"Tell me you don't love him, tell me you love me," James said his voice a whisper.

"I love you" Regulus replied the words tumbling out of him so easily.

"I love you, James"

It was too much just to be there in that moment, it was too still so in seconds James had pulled his arm around Regulus' waist forcing him to stand up their chests pressed together, their breathing intensified and then James kissed him.

It was so passionate but so fierce, blocking out any other thoughts than this, this moment, it was just them in this world and nothing else. Just their lips upon each other, their arms tangled in one another, it was everything.

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