Chapter 14

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Sirius's heart was beating at an unhealthy pace. Remus was clinging to him. Remus. Bloodied, drunk, and bruised. Merlin looked like shit.

It seemed only moments after they'd taken off they were hitting the ground again, and Sirius couldn't be happier.

James flung open the door, it was almost two am. "James and Sirius, I told you two to stay put, and what do you do, you leave a note saying you'll take a quick trip to Wales!" Mrs. Potter was saying in an angry voice, but it didn't even seem angry.

She flicked on the light and the anger on her face melted. Sirius had an arm around Remus tightly and Remus stood there, his head tilted down, he felt awfully out of place here, even though he had been there so many times before.

He was pulled to the living room where Fleamont was waiting, and he fell into a look of worry. Mrs. Potter flicked her wand and Remus's hand fixed and then, she flicked it again fixing the wound of his head.

"Oh Remus, what happened?" She asked as she began to try and pull the glass out of his mess of curls, he had James and Sirius on either side of him.

"My father, he doesn't like me that much," Remus said, he wanted to say more to let her know, she was doing so much for him but that was all he could muster.

Euphemia seemed to realize that. "I think you'd find good use with a warm shower, you can borrow some of James' clothes," she said and he nodded, he stood up began to walk, and knew Sirius and James were right beside him.

James didn't need to show him the guest room, he knew where it was. James went to start grabbing Remus some clothes and Remus walked towards the guest bedroom bathroom.

He got to the bathroom door and could feel Sirius' breathing down his neck. "I'm ok," he mumbled, it was not at all convincing.

He didn't try to convince Sirius again. He walked towards the bathroom and sat on the toilet seat, the act of pulling off his clothes, felt like too much.

"Do you want help?" Sirius asked and Remus found himself nodding. Sirius came over and tugged at Remus's shirt, it was a thin blue one, with short sleeves, definitely not something to be wearing in the winter. Sirius removed his shirt, shoes, trousers, and boxers and helped pull him up into the shower.

Sirius left going to sit at the edge of Remus's bed as Remus showered. The remaining shards of glass fell from his tangled hair and the blood seeped off his face and hand. The blood was gone but a few scars littered the top of Remus's head and a scar was on his hand. There was nothing that could be done about the bruises that littered his body varying in color and size.

He walked out of the shower and tied a towel around his waist. James had come into the room and was laying clothes out for him.

"The trousers are mine but the shirts Sirius', I think it'll fit best," James said and Remus nodded.

"Boys, leave him to get some rest," Fleamont voice called after gently knocking on the door and they both looked at Remus before walking out.

Remus put on the clothes. Joggers from James, boxers from God knows who, some fluffy Christmas socks, and Sirius' ABBA shirt. He found himself climbing into the covers and before he knew it someone was opening and closing the door.

"Moony, merlin, how are you?" Sirius asked as he crouched down to be level with Remus's eyes.

"Sirius, can you hold me?" Remus asked. Sirius didn't even say a word before slipping under the covers beside Remus wrapping his arms around Remus.

"I haven't slept- I, I can't sleep-" Remus spoke his voice breaking, he was not drunk, he was numb.

"It's alright," Sirius cooed his voice soft. "Just try moony, just try," he said his hand running softly through Remus' soft curls.

He didn't, he didn't sleep, and neither did Sirius. But he felt calm. It was Christmas Eve.

Euphemia came up at around nine Am to give Remus some toast. He hadn't had a decent meal since Hogwarts, it always got ruined by Lyall or he felt too sick, too numb, too hurt to eat at all.

She was an exceptional healer. She got him some potions to help with the pain that was still there. She offered him a sleeping draught but he refused, he couldn't sleep, he just couldn't.

He stayed in his room where Sirius and James stayed most of the time too. Remus didn't move from his bed. By mid-afternoon, Fleamont came upstairs with Remus's trunk, owl, and the letters that had arrived.

"I'm sorry I didn't read them, I just couldn't," he said, he had bearly spoken at all.

"It's alright," James spoke.

At dinner, Remus came down. They were all pleased by this. But Remus bearly ate, he was usually one to go for seconds maybe even thirds but from the assortment of food in front of him, he stuck to a couple of tomatoes, a small bread roll, and a tea.

"Remus dear, when was the last time you slept?" Euphemia asked as Remus had come over to wash up his mug which she instantly took from him.

"I haven't," he spoke his voice small.

"I didn't think so, the draught will help, you need rest, it's not doing you well not having it," she said and after a few more words he agreed to have it.

He took the draught and already felt tired making his way to his room,

"Remus?" Sirius said poking his head through a few minutes later but stopped himself once hearing soft snores and he closed the door smiling to himself.

Remus awoke groggily but he felt so much better and then he felt it, well more like smelt it, and then he noticed the stuffed stocking at the end of his bed, it was Christmas.

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