Chapter 3

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Merlin's beard they were unhappy about this new relationship and Remus and Regulus could tell. They were hoping it was jealousy and began to increase the difference in the way they acted around each other.

They would go on study dates, kiss each other on the cheek and forehead and spend nights in each other's dorms with the curtains drawn and the silencing charm casted, just talking about nonsense knowing that there was a very riled up Sirius and James usually only a few meters from them.

The two did feel a bit guilty about lying to the others but both knew it would be worth it in the end, Dorcas and Marlene were inviting them on double dates (well Marlene was, Dorcas just went along with it) and they agreed not to tell them to make it more believable.

Then one evening the two found themselves cornered. Regulus was in the astronomy tower and now found himself faced with James and Remus was in the library now with Sirius taking a seat beside him.

"You and Regulus," he asked. It had been a whole month now, a full moon had passed but Sirius and James had finally schemed and waited to find them alone.

"Yes Sirius me and Regulus" Remus chirped not removing his eyes from the history book he was reading.

"Seriously you could have chosen the better Black at least" Sirius grinned.

Remus looked up closing his book and propping his head up using his elbow on the desk. "Didn't think the so-called better black was an option" he smirked and stood up packing the books, parchments, inkwells, and quills he had scattered across the desk into his bag.

"Do you like him?" Sirius asked now also standing up.

"Never you mind, honey, never you mind" Remus quoted not looking at the other boy and beginning to walk out

"Hey, you can't just quote The last picture show and walk out!" Sirius yelled to Remus which earned him a very stern look from the librarian.

Meanwhile, Regulus found himself in a very similar situation with James. "Are you trying to freeze, it's November" James hissed coming and sitting down on the small step that Regulus was.

"What's it to you, Potter?" Regulus asked, his mind had been on the boy now beside him only moments before, and couldn't help but feel a hint of satisfaction now that the boy he liked too much was beside him.

"Do you like him?" James asked directly not even caring about the question beforehand.

"Hmm" Regulus replied as if not hearing him or not understanding what he had said.

"Remus, do you like him because I know you two have always been close but it just seemed unexpected you know, I don't want you running into something because you feel like it is the only way" James replied.

"Potter, I don't do things because I have no choice, I do things because it's the right choice and you'll see one day that my choices are always the right ones" Regulus snapped.

"Ok, but I'm here always Reg" James replied and Regulus finally turned to the boy beside him, Merlin how much he would gift to just grab him by his crooked tie and combine their lips and never come up for air, but he had to wait, patience was key.

Remus soon recalled his event to Regulus and Regulus did the same for Remus.

"We're masterminds" Regulus chuckled and Remus lit a cigarette as they sat on a hallway windowsill way past curfew but all Remus had to do was flash his prefect badge and all was good.

Regulus didn't enjoy the smell of cigarettes and wouldn't be caught dead with one, he knew Sirius liked them and when he started smoking at home Regulus wouldn't step in his room for a month.

"If this all does go to plan, who do you think will man up first?" Remus asked blowing some of the smoke from his mouth out the window.

"Want to make a bet, I bet James you bet Sirius?" Regulus asked not answering the question as he wasn't sure himself. Sirius had a lot of courage but if Remus said something back he would usually become frozen in place. James had a good way of turning his charm on and trying to understand Regulus nearly always being able to figure out what was on his mind, but James' fear of not wanting to hurt his friend could be something that would stop him.

"I'll take that action, how much?" Remus asked, flicking the end of the cigarette bud out the window.

"Not money, loser has to have veritaserum in front of their loverboy" Regulus smirked.

"So your saying whoever loses is going to have to be stuck with the other having to tell the truth, your wicked, can't wait to hear how James reacts when you're made to tell him" Remus chuckled.

"You wish Lupin"

"Don't need to I can already picture it"

"Fuck off"

"Good night Reg"

"Hope you fall over on your way up"

"You love me"

"You wish"

"Love you too Reggie"

Sirius and James were both displeased about the outcome of their plans and Peter couldn't hear the end of it and was overly relieved when Remus walked in after his patrolling shift which would of most likely been with Regulus.

"Evening," Remus said not giving a glance at the now silent boys as he went over to grab his pajamas and then walk into the bathroom to change. When he walked out it was deadly silent still as the boys themselves finished changing and started doing their last preparations before sleep.

"Who died in here?" Remus asked.

"Nothing" Sirius replied a bit too loudly to be not suspicious but Remus ignored it, it was so obvious they had been talking about him and he knew it, he couldn't stop himself smiling as he clambered into his bed and soon after his head hitting the pillow he fell asleep.

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