Chapter 48

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Remus was rather surprised when he got off the train to find that no one had come to get him, he could easily get home with a spare broom he had and began strapping his trunk to it.

He felt the warm breeze hit him softly and he flew through the air to his home.


Hello Reg,
My one and only, the love of my life, how is your summer, it must be unbearable without me, I can't stop thinking about you and never will,
I love you



Dear James,
Please don't write, my parents try to get my letters, I'll see you at school,
I love you too



Hi Remus,

I hope summer is alright for you, is your dad giving you any trouble, Euphemia told me and James to invite you over,



Hello Sirius,

It's all alright here, I'm rather busy here but I'll let you know if I can come over at some point, tell James I said hi,



Dear Remus,

Would you like to go to that cafe I told you about last week, I hope it's getting better at home,

Love Melanie


Sirius, Peter and James spent many days out enjoying the bliss summer heat.

Marlene wrote to Dorcas as she wiped lemonade, casting spells left and right.

Mary and Lily were finally able to show their families what they were capable of doing with their magic.

Remus and Regulus did not find themselves in lucky situations.

Bellatrix looked at Regulus a grin on her face, her teeth were dirty, and she had been on the run for almost two years now. Narcissa looked at Regulus with not the same happiness, she didn't want this for him, he was still a child.

Regulus felt his arm gripped tighter by the man in front of him as he pledged his allegiance and soon found a dark tattoo across his arm, this was what he was destined to be.

Remus had gotten home but was not happy to see that things had become much much worse, his mother had lost count of the days and was rather sorry that she didn't pick him up, she was bruised and had a cut on her arm, Lyall was abusing her again.

Remus spent most of July stopping him, he met up with Melanie three times the first time they talked for hours and he told her about what was happening.

The second time, they went to a cafe and Melanie asked Remus out and he agreed.

On the third time, they made it an official they were dating.

Hope Lupin had watched her son endure unimaginable pain and on one of the last days of July when she watched Remus who had a large bruise on his cheek get knocked out by Lyall with a bottle, she realised enough was enough, and she went and wrote a letter.

Two broken ribs, a busted lip, a newfound limp because of a sprained ankle, a bruise on his face and new cuts littering his face, that was what Remus found himself with on July 30th. He sat on the edge of his bed with a cigarette between his lips, Lyall was passed out from drinking too much.

There were small footsteps and hushed whispers and Remus' door opened and he sat up more. His mother walked in and behind her came a familiar face, but it was covered in concern.

"Oh Remus, Merlin, I'll fix you up the best I can here, but as soon as we get back I'll give you something for the pain," Euphemia said sitting down beside him already with her wand out and fixing his ribs with an unsatisfying click, then moving on to heal cuts and clean them.

Hope began to tell Remus that she had written to Euphemia, knowing how kind she was to Remus. She began to tidy Remus's things into his trunk as he listened, making sure not to leave his wand. Remus just listened.

They both finished their tasks at the same time and Remus hadn't spoken at all, his cigarette had burnt a black mark on his bed cover but he did not care.

"You'll be safer there, stay there alright," Hope said kissing the top of Remus's head as he nodded slowly. Euphemia took his arm and in seconds they apparated onto the Potters' doorstep, it was early evening.

"I didn't have the chance to tell Sirius and James, they were off in the garden doing merlin knows what, I apparated as soon as I got the letter," Euphemia said as they walked in, she took Remus's trunk for him.

She made him sit on a stool as she handed him a potion which he took gratefully, it all felt a bit rushed, he could have never guessed he would be seeing her today, it eased the pain, but he still had bruises.

"Thank you," he said softly and he heard a loud bang from the garden.

Euphemia let out a little chuckle, "I hope those two aren't blowing the garden up, you can go see them if you want, they'll be happy to see you, but you can rest if you want," Euphemia told him and he decided that he would go and see them.

He opened the door to the garden stepping out, the sun was still beaming over the large garden, if you could even call it that, it seemed more like a field. He began walking down to the end where the trees were, and soon heard once again a loud bang and realised it was exploding snaps.

"It's not theft if you pay afterwards," Sirius countered to something James had said they sat in the grass throwing the snaps at trees.

"Still stole it in the first place," Remus muttered leaning by a nearby tree.

"Holy shit, Remus," James said turning round at the sound of his voice and so do Sirius and their faces faltered.

"You're mum brought me here, but I'm alright," he said softly smiling.

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