Chapter 18

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When they awoke the next morning Remus seemed to remember something. "I forgot to look at the gift you gave me," he said.

"Want to look at it now?" Sirius mumbled and Remus nodded. They got up and headed to Remus's room where he picked up the book and sat beside Sirius on the floor.

"Open it already," Sirius cheered him on and so Remus opened the book.

It was a lined notebook but it was all filled out. The first page had a picture of Sirius stuck to it, he was dashing that smile he always wore at the camera, Remus remembered Peter taking this picture, it was in their dorm Sirius had finally learned how to enchant the door to close itself. Next to the picture was writing.

'This is brought to you by your amazing boyfriend Sirius Black'.

Remus flicked to the next page and it was a picture of him, he had his hair tied up so it poked out at the top, Mary had done it and he looked like an idiot but he was laughing, his face a red and his eyes screwed shut, this was from a few months back he remembered it, James had just cracked a god awful joke and it was so silent he had begun laughing at the silence until everyone was laughing at Remus laughing.

Beside it was love hearts drawn around it and the words 'my moony and his beautiful laugh'.

He flicked through the pages and Sirius rested his chin on Remus' shoulder. There were pictures of Remus with each friend all had written next to them, some saying what was happening or something about the person beside him. The words 'boyfriend stealer' was next to a picture of Regulus and Remus in the library.

The other pictures were off just Remus usually saying things like.

'my moony being a bookworm'

'my moony freezing his ass off

'my moony blushing about me'

When he finished flicking through the pages he was smiling and he turned to Sirius "This is amazing, thank you, Sirius, I don't even remember half these pictures being taken," he told him.

"Got some from Peter, you know that kid with his camera is always clicking away, but I took some of them when you weren't looking, you're not observant," Sirius chuckled.

"Oh shush, but thank you," Remus replied and he turned and kissed Sirius's cheek. "You're the best".

31st of December soon came upon them, new year's eve. In the morning they would be on the train to Hogwarts.

Remus hadn't emptied his trunk at all and now he began to ruffle through it, he had taken a few things out of it when he had first gotten home, but he had expected his mother to have put them in, she hadn't, some clothes were left but he could live without those, but why did she have to forget to his wand.

There was no time to send a letter, he wouldn't get it till a few days into the new year. He knew what had to be done, he could have told James or Sirius, asked them to come with him but he knew they wouldn't let him go, so he left a note on the edge of Sirius's bed, he and James had gone to the close by Muggle village for sweets, saying they would get energy from them to help them stay up for new years night, even though they were more than capable at doing that with there own energy.

Remus slipped past Fleamont and Euphemia, he had told them about his answer to Dumbledore even though he was sure they already knew.

He went through the large garden to the shed and pulled out one of James' many spare brooms and mounted it, he hated flying with his whole soul but he wasn't bad at it, he was nowhere close to Sirius and James but he could fly with ease.

It was a long journey to whales even on the broom, but it seemed he was there in a matter of minutes, landing on the ground, the sky was becoming a dark blue as the sun began to set. The house was quiet and Remus liked that, it hopefully meant Lyall was passed out and so Remus could go in and hug his mother and get his wand.

He walked in and realized there was a sound coming from the inside, the scraping of cutlery against plates could be heard. He walked toward the noise almost compelled.

He walked to the kitchen and saw his parents sitting at the table, his father's back was to him and his mother was facing him, she had a dark purple bruise on her cheek and a cut across her forehead. She looked up from her plate of food and her eyes lit up, upon seeing him but fear began to wrap around her face. Lyall saw her expression and turned.

His eyes turned to daggers and Remus saw that he was still definitely drunk. "Why the fuck did you even come back?" he hissed.

"I needed to get my wand," Remus replied he was staring at his father as his blood boiled, clenching his fists.

"Get the fuck out Remus," he then yelled and he picked up one of his empty bottles and smashed it against the edge of the table and he gripped it.

"Lyall don't!" Hope yelled at him and he whipped around to look at her wand then back at Remus before punching Remus in the nose so that he fell back.

"You are not my fucking son, you need to get your filthy werewolf blood out of my house," he hissed and he kicked Remus in the stomach so that Remus turned to his side on the floor curling up into a fetus position. He kicked Remus a few more times, before crouching down.

"Stop it!" Hope yelled.

"Shut up bitch, or I'll put you in your place too," he hissed, he turned back to Remus, the sharp piece of the bottle in his hand that looked like a weapon.

"You're not my son!" He yelled hitting the spiked glass into his son's face.

"You're a piece of shit!" He yelled pulling it out and hitting it down into his stomach Remus gasped, the pain was too much.

"You're a fucking werewolf who will never be loved, and you don't deserve my love, or her love, I asked for a son, not a monster," he said sinking the glass into Remus's chest.

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