Chapter 56

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After Halloween, November seemed to start to pass by rather fast, Remus was glad to find he had no new scars after the full moon, the moons had been a lot better than last year's, and they were always better when Sirius, Peter and James were there.

"But this is our last year so we should be spending it having fun," James replied.

"It may not be your last year if you don't study," Remus responded shaking his head as he, James, Peter and Sirius walked into transfiguration.

They took their seats and McGonagall began to talk to them about what would come up in their NEWTs exam. Halfway through the lesson, Sirius sent Remus a note. Remus picked it up after it had landed on his desk and opened it and read the few words on it 'Wanna skip Charms?' it said and Remus scribbled back a quick 'No' before sending it back.

Sirius rolled his eyes after reading the response and wrote back 'boring' and sent it to Remus. Remus shook his head and wrote down 'dumbass' and sent it back to Sirius. 'You know you love me, my moony' he wrote and sent it back, but that was noticed by McGonagall before Remus noticed it was at his desk.

She came over and took the note. "You know you're not allowed to send notes during class," she said shaking her head and opening it, she read the words and a small smile fell on her face. "Mr Black, Mr Lupin please use your time outside of my lesson to talk about Quidditch," she said before placing the note down on Remus' desk and continuing.

At the end of the lesson, she asked Remus and Sirius to stay behind. "As I made it clear earlier, please do not send notes in lessons," she began. "But I was also hoping to make it clear, am I right in saying you two are together?" She asked and Remus found himself nodding. "Oh Poppy owes me so much money," she smiled and before they could even talk about that she told them they better go to charms.

"James," Regulus muttered, it was late at night and they were in his bed, he wasn't even sure if James was still awake.

"Yeah," James mumbled softly, he had an arm around Regulus which he now used to pull him closer.

"I love you," Regulus said softly, he'd been saying this a lot more than usual as if he didn't think there was a lot of time left for him to say it.

"Love you too Reg," James said softly kissing his forehead.

If Regulus was honest he wasn't sure how much time he would have left with James, he was always sure he would inevitably mess it all up but because of what took place in the summer, he was sure of it. From the moment that mark was placed on his arm, he knew there was a barrier placed between him and James.

He didn't know when or how, but James Potter had soon become the one holding him in place, he seemed to breathe, talk, work, laugh, cry, and joke, all for James. Without James, he would cease to exist.

James always loved to make everyone happy and seeing Regulus cold and isolated made him want to know him more and help him, he helped Regulus become more open and happier, he watched as Regulus came out of a cocoon he had been shut in and finally become free.

He would do anything for that star, anything to keep him happy, to keep him bright and shining.

It had been awkward, Remus was sure of that. It was nice with Sirius being able to kiss him again, to love him again, but it wasn't completely the same, there wasn't evening snogging and they rarely shared a bed and when they did they weren't intertwined together but close.

He knew that he loved Sirius but he was never the only one to make the first move fully and Sirius was being rather cautious as if any small mistake could make Remus completly hate him.

When the end of November was drawing near Remus was sitting on his bed, whilst James was with Regulus in his dorm and Peter was playing matches of chess with Pandora and Dorcas, Sirius came into the room and changed into his Pyjamas trousers before flopping into his bed, Remus finally decided to change things.

"Pads," he said softly, he looked up from his book over at the shirtless Sirius who was looking up at the ceiling before turning to Remus.

"Yeah?" He asked sitting up and tilting his head, it reminded Remus of a small puppy.

"As comfy as your bed looks, would you prefer to be in mine," Remus asked.

Sirius let out a small laugh "Is that a pick-up line or are you trying to mess with me?" he grinned.

Remus just shook his head "Sirius, just get in my bed so I can hug you or I'll smother you if your sleep," Remus said and Sirius didn't need to be asked twiced. Within seconds Sirius was out of his bed almost diving on top of Remus, who he wrapped his arms around laying his head on his chest while Remus put his book to the side and pulled Sirius closer wrapping his arms around him.

"Any plans for Christmas," Sirius asked softly, he could hear the soft beat of Remus' heart against his ear.

"James' again this year, but my mum wrote a couple of weeks ago and said she would like to meet me at Diagon Alley and go to a cafe, just to talk," Remus replied, he had a feeling his mother wouldn't want him home at all for his sake but wished she was still able to see him.

"Well that's good, good you can go talk to her and good I get you all for Christmas," Sirius smiled foolishly.

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