Chapter 10

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"Fucking Hell!- sorry professor but that beat from Sirius black, Merlin that Slytherin chaser better learn to stay awake on his broom" Remus spoke making the crowd once again erupt into fits of laughter the match had been going on for a good hour by now and the score was 120-70 to Gryffindor

"Ohh wait, it seems the two seekers have spotted the snitch, oh hurry the fuck up you plonkers, and- shit! McKinnon's nearly knocked out Slytherin black with a bludger and then aha, he's done it! Yes, Gryffindor has the snitch they've won" Remus spoke and quickly was met with a stern glare from McGonagall. "Sorry," he said quieter his voice no longer echoing across the grounds.

Sirius and James soon found themselves in the quidditch changing room, Frank had summoned a round of butterbeer and they all knew a party was already being put together in the common room. It was a good hour before they started making their way to the tower.

When they arrived it erupted with cheers some for them but some for someone else. "They'd already given him a few bottles when I got here, the sixth and seven years were very happy about his comments," Lily said coming towards James and Sirius who were staring at Remus.

Remus was drunk, very drunk. The older years kept giving him drink after drink laughing and congratulating him on his commentary and now he was in a haze. His jumper and scarf were long gone and the white buttoned shirt he had on was mostly undone and he had a Gryffindor tie tied to his head, but he was dancing. Dancing on the table.

Music was blaring and people were clapping him on. Sirius would have smiled and smirked at this which he did do at first but then some girls in the year below seemed to be trying to get up and close to Remus. Sirius did not like that.

In seconds he was parting through the crowd of students and then he got beside the table. "Moony want to come on down?" he asked.

Remus looked at him, a smile spread across his face. "You'd have to make me Black" he smirked.

The girls seemed to be climbing up beside Remus so Sirius did the same, climbing into the table and looping an arm around Remus's waist before pulling him off the table to the floor.

"Your jealous" Remus said once they were out of earshot, laughing.

"I am not" Sirius snapped back.

"You want to make them jealous?" Remus asked, his smile was reassuring and he was a lot more confident.

"What?" Sirius spoke utterly surprised by what was being said by Remus.

"Kiss me, snog me for Merlin's sake Pads, if you want them to know I'm yours do it if you want," Remus said.

Sirius could still see a lot of eyes on them, his arm still hadn't left Remus's waist and he felt like it'd be best if he never let go.

"Hey Remus, do you want to come over with us?" Someone said seeming to pop from nowhere, it was one of those girls.

"He's busy" Sirius snapped.

"He doesn't seem that busy" the girl replied, her hand on her hip looking prepared to stare down Sirius.

Sirius was done, anything, anything to get this girl away. The offer from Remus was still in his mind but the girl's stare snapped something in him.

In seconds his hand was curling even tighter around Remus' waist pulling him so their chests met and then pulling his face in with his other hand and pressing their lips together.

The kiss was hungry but kind. Sirius could feel Remus pushing his lips as vigorously as he was. Remus had wrapped his arms around Sirius's back securing the smaller boy in place as if he would leave.

They knew eyes were on them, the room had gone deathly silent except for the buzz of the music. They kissed till they lost their breaths and when they finally parted they seemed to feel the stares even more.

But then a wolf whistle was heard and they turned to see Marlene a smile on her face. James let out a whoop and then the rest of the common room seemed to explode with cheers after getting over the surprise of it.

Sirius Black and Remus Lupin, who could have guessed it?

Even Regulus gave a whoop, who had been dragged by Dorcas who had been dragged by Marlene to the common room.

"Could be us, huh?" James said hooking an arm around Regulus' shoulder.

Regulus scoffed "You wish Potter, they were surprised enough to Gryffindor boys snogged, a Slytherin and a Gryffindor would send half of them to St Mungo's" he replied, his voice quiet enough that Mary and Peter could hear them who were a few meters away chatting nonstop about what had just taken place.

Remus looked down at Sirius dopey eyed but a sincere smile was spread across his face.

"Want to go to the dorm, don't need you stripping anymore," Sirius said a smirk pressed on his lips as he curled his fingers around one half of Remus' shirt pulling it closer to the other half.

"Alright, you can snog me up there too," Remus grinned making Sirius's ears burn red as they began to walk up toward the dorm.

"It's cute," Mary said sitting down next to the redhead on the couch.

"What is?" Lily asked her cheeks already quite red from the firewisky.

"Remus and Sirius, they looked so happy with each other, I'm glad they were brave enough to do that, but I'm bloody annoyed Remus didn't tell me about this beforehand," Mary said taking a swig of her drink.

"Yeah Remus had been keeping secrets, he never told us how much of a great commenter he was," Lily said nursing her firewisky in her hands and turning to the dark-haired girl beside her so that they were looking at one another.

"Do you want to go to Hogsmeade with me?" the two asked each other in unison. 

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