Chapter 27

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"How did you do it then, because last I checked me and Remus aren't bald?" Regulus asked the two who still held gleeful grins on their faces.

"Well Reggie, we just needed one strand of hair from each of you, and then a multiply spell," Sirius answered.

"Polyjuice potion in the pumpkin juice?" Remus questioned and Sirius nodded.

"For fucks sake," Regulus muttered under his breath.

"I know you two aren't the most pleased at drawing attention to yourselves, so this seemed like the perfect idea," James said gesturing around the room.

"Yeah that's because we already have two self-centred pricks," Remus snapped.

"You know you love us," Sirius grinned kissing the side of Remus' cheek.

"You could have at least let us in on it," someone said behind them and they turned to see two Regulus and one Remus.

"Going to need you to identify yourselves," James spoke sounding quite like a police officer.

"It's me Lily, and that's Mary and that's Peter," one of the Regulus spoke, Peter seemed to be turned into Remus.

"How's it like being tall, Pete?" Sirius chuckled and Peter gave an eye-roll in return.

"How long will this last?" He asked.

"Only a couple more hours," Sirius replied.

"Black, Potter," a stern voice called and they turned to see a Remus walking towards them.

"Oh let me guess, Dorcas?" Sirius said.

"No it's Marlene messing with us," James said to Sirius.

"It's Professor McGonagall, and I can guess you two are to do with this prank, my office now," said the stern voice of McGonagall, if they hadn't been in their glee they would have probably realised it. The two reluctantly followed her out of the room leaving the group.

"So real Remus and Regulus, right?" Mary said sitting down, she flopped herself on a chair in a way that Regulus even looked annoyed, it made him seem like a completely different person, so much more relaxed.

"I think I'm in love with your hair," Lily said running her hand through the waves of hair on his head.

"Thanks?" Regulus said rather confused by the compliment, he wasn't a fan of them, they usually flustered him.

"Remus Lupin is packing am I right!" someone yelled walking in.

"Marlene, come over here," Mary called and Marlene as Remus came over.

Remus was rather red in the face by Marlene's loud comment. "Hey Remus, Merlin how can you live like this and not feel like you can beat death, so tall and all these cool ass scars, watch out Lupin you could be my straight awakening," she smiled.

The potion was worn off by dinner and as Remus and Regulus walked into the Great hall there were loud whistles and humoured laughs. James and Sirius walked in a bit later, they had two weeks of detention coming up, it took so long that Sirius wouldn't stop laughing at McGonagall as she looked like Remus but spoke with a strong Scottish accent.

"Good prank you two, that's what you get when you try and trick us," Marlene smiled and gave a little glare to Remus and Regulus, the two still didn't deny that the fake dating had been wrong, look where it had got them.

"Hey Remus," a Hufflepuff girl chuckled as she passed brushing his arm with her hand and squeezing it for a second before walking over to her friends.

"The only downside is that I think everyone fell in love with those two a whole lot more," Dorcas commented.

Remus chuckled a bit and looked over the table at Sirius who was glaring at someone, he followed his gaze which was stuck on the Hufflepuff girl. "Stop glaring at Melanie," Remus said.

"You have a boyfriend, she should know that," Sirius snapped.

"Jealous much," Peter chuckled and he earned a kick in the shin under the table.

"You must be enjoying this prank now," Regulus added and moved his legs to avoid also getting kicked.

"What are we doing for the Hogsmeade trip, it's in two weeks?" Mary then asked.

"I'm not going, some people plan to revise for OWLs," Remus replied.

"Yes, I've missed too much studying for my tests, a quiet common room will be good," Regulus added.

"Yeah, I'm staying here, if I fail I would burn down the library," Lily said.

"Arson, loving it," Marlene smiled.

James, Peter, Sirius, Mary and Marlene didn't like the plan of staying in the castle and Dorcas couldn't care less. The debate carried on up to the common room.

"We've got OWLs in three months, that's ages away," Sirius groaned as he was on Remus' lap.

"Yeah what he said, come on we should all do something together," Marlene added.

"How about we all study, in complete silence, see that's doing something," Regulus answered back.

"That's depressing, we will just have to drag you miserable gits there ourselves," James said.

"No thank you, James," Regulus said it was soft but sharp.

"Come on Reg, it's fun in Hogsmeade," James replied.

"Pleaseeeee," James asked seeming like a small child.

Regulus didn't reply but gave him a look that just made James know that he wasn't going to win the argument.

"Ok, now you're done your little, I don't even wanna know, may I ask the people around here if they felt some weird sexual tension from that, or was it just me?" Marlene asked.

Sirius held back a grin letting his head fall. Oh, they were so screwed, they'd been flirting right in front of them.

"I and James are dating," Regulus shot out and it seemed to fall silent. Regulus was always the one who was unsure of telling the others, that they would disagree with it.

Grins broke out and James seemed to have the biggest one on his face. "No shit Sherlock, Mary you owe me 5 galleons," Dorcas said breaking the silence.

"I think I'm going to have to start paying attention because these relationships are coming out of nowhere," Peter muttered.

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