Chapter 47

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"Morning," Sirius smiled as Remus sat down at the table and when Remus said it back Mary choked on her food but didn't say anything.

It was rather surprising to them all how easily they began to slip into light talk, but that's all it was, they would nearly never talk just the two of them, but when they did it wasn't deep. Sirius was treading lightly, he didn't want to mess this up with Remus.

Only Regulus and James were aware of Remus's first regrets but now he wasn't displeased with his choice, Remus hated it when his hurt began to flutter again when Sirius said something funny, or forget how to breathe when Sirius laughed, that's why he occasionally found himself going to Melanie and her friends, it was a good way to clear his mind.

Regulus would try and check up on Remus more if the OWLs weren't in two days. He was revising in the Gryffindor common room which was quiet because James would have a go or glare at anyone who was too loud.

James knew how stressed he was and wanted him to be in a calm place. Something about the Slytherin common room, even though it was usually quite quiet still had an uncomfortable feeling to it.

Even Pandora came to Gryffindor's common room as all the Ravenclaws were very good at getting stressed over exams and she could feel it radiating off people. James made sure the whole place was quiet not just for them but for the others studying Gryffindors. Remus was also rather helpful, he was willing to answer any questions anyone had, and he was always good at that.

"How are you James protector of the struggling fifth years," Remus asked James. Sirius was off serving his final detention before those were all over for the prank.

"Great Remus, you know you should start a study group, you'd be good at that," James told him.

"I'll do that and you can stand guard outside shushing people," Remus chuckled.

The exam period for Regulus was not pleasant but it would have been far worse without James. When he walked out of his final exam which was a history of magic, James was waiting for him with a smile on his face.

"How was it?" He asked as they began walking towards the common room.

"I remember it all as if I was reading it from a book," Regulus replied and smiled finding James' smile rather contagious.

"I knew you could, you're smart like that," James said he was beaming at Regulus.

When they reached the common room it was buzzing with loud voices and they nearly died out when James walked in but he smiled back letting them know talking was alright.

Regulus then took James' hand and pulled him up the stairs to the dorm. As soon as they were in the dorm he pressed James up against the door and was kissing him.

"Thank you," kiss "Your amazing," kiss "I don't deserve you," kiss "Best boyfriend ever," kiss.

And as Regulus did this, James' face began to burn red and he became rather flustered.

"Reg, merlin I would do anything for you," James said as Regulus began to attack his neck with kisses.

Regulus stopped kissing his neck to come and connected their lips again. Not a day could go by when he wouldn't wonder how he could deserve anyone as amazing as James Potter. How could someone so bright and so beautiful, love someone so cold and dark as him?

Regulus was a darkened and cold person to James, to James he was a star, so beautiful but too far, being so close to him now was a gift he could never repay, having the star in his arms was too beautiful to even begin to describe, he wished to have him their permanently, to make sure there was no chance he could ever leave his arms.

"I'd do anything for you James," Regulus replied, his lips were slightly swollen and so were James', his arm hung around James' neck and James' arm was around his waist keeping him there.

"I love you," James said with that ridiculously beautiful smile that could melt away upon seeing it.

"I love you too," Regulus replied and Merlin, he meant it with every fibre in his body.

Regulus would burn the world for James and James would give the world to Regulus.

"I'm too hot," Dorcas groaned sinking into the grass beside Marlene.

"Yes you are," Marlene smiled and Dorcas rolled her eyes at her.

"It's our last day, when we are in the real world tomorrow evening we can do magic," James smiled brightly.

"This place is the real world James it's not just a figment of our imaginations," Remus told him.

"I can do magic, I still have to wait four months," Regulus muttered from beside James.

"Don't correct me, Remus," James replied but Remus was already up striding over to Melanie and one of her friends who had appeared about twenty metres away.

"Stop pouting Pads," Peter told him and Sirius elbowed him and continued to glare at them. He decided straight away that he didn't like Melanie, he knew it was jealousy but he would not admit that, not even to James.

Remus came back over smiling his hands shoved in his jeans pockets.

"What was that about?" Lily asked him, they all seemed a bit curious.

"I and Melanie were just making plans to meet up in the summer, she only lives a town over," Remus told.

Peter was smirking and turned to Sirius beside him to just see him looking even more annoyed than earlier.

"Get the hell up Sirius," Remus muttered when he woke up to find Sirius was the only one else left in the room still in his bed.

"Just leave me here, my bed is warm," Sirius replied and Remus just sighed making sure his trunk was completely closed.

"The train leaves the station in half an hour," he said and that got Sirius up.

It didn't leave for another two hours.

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