Chapter 71

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By the afternoon Remus had gotten up out of bed and walked with Sirius to the kitchen for a cup of tea. They'd just been talking all this time, but nothing about what had happened with Remus, Sirius didn't want to touch that subject until Remus was ready, but when Sirius walked over to Remus with tea in hand as he sat at the table, Remus was ready.

"It wasn't the worst, I mean, it's not somewhere I would want to go back to but it wasn't horrible," Remus said softly now looking at the tea that had been placed in front of him.

"It wasn't?" Sirius asked slipping into the seat beside Remus.

"It was horrible, what you know who said and hearing the plans and some of the death eaters were really cruel but there were some people there who weren't too bad," Remus told him.

"Who?" Sirius asked and he hoped he wasn't pushing too far.

"There was a werewolf called Lila, she gave me a lot of the information, she took me in quickly and was kind and then there was Regulus and his friends, it's horrible to think but it just seemed like old times," Remus said.

"Regulus didn't hurt you at all, right?" Sirius asked and he felt angry at the thought that Regulus could do that to Remus.

"No, he was suspicious to start with but then he believed I was on his side," Remus said and before he could even talk anymore there was a whoosh sound from the fireplace and Dumbledore came walking in.

"Remus, it's good to see you," Dumbledore said kindly.

"It's good to see you too," Remus replied and Dumbledore took a seat at the table, he had a pad of paper and quill in hand.

"Now Remus I don't want to take up too much of your time, you look like you need the rest, but please tell me any information you got," Dumbledore said.

"He's planning to aim for the ministry and you, but he also wants to get rid of any big bloodlines, he's aiming for the McKinnons and the Prewetts," Remus began and Dumbledore began to write it down.

"He's working with the Mulcibers, Malfoys, Rosiers, Blacks, Lestranges, Crabbes, Goyle's and there was Fenir and Igor Karkaroff," Remus told him.

"Thank you, Remus, I'll make sure the Prewetts and McKinnons are notified, and for the next month I want you to stay at home, no order meetings, just until this brushes under you're going to be well wanted by Voldemort," Dumbledore said and then he stood up and walked out.

"Merlin," Sirius muttered. "You did fucking good Remus," Sirius then said and Remus smiled softly looking at him.

"You think?" Remus asked.

"Of course, all those names and information Dumbledore was practically grinning," Sirius chuckled and he leaned forward to kiss Remus's cheek before the door was knocked on.

He went over and after a glance through the peephole he opened the door and James and Peter came in.

"Remus, how are you," James said coming over.

"Alright, how about you?" Remus asked.

"I'm ok, mum's been worried about you, she told me to make sure you come over for dinner soon," James told him.

They all sat on the couch and it was obvious James and Peter were over to check on Remus.

"So what happened," Peter asked it was the first really prying question Remus had but he answered it honestly.

"I got taken by Fenrir to Voldemort and then moved to Sirius' home where I stayed when I was not at meetings or with the werewolves," he replied.

"My home?" Sirius said in surprise and Remus nodded.

"Yeah, I only saw Orion and Walburga a few times there but they didn't seem pleased with a werewolf in their house, but I think I was in your old room, it smelt like you," Remus replied. He remembered how it smelt faintly of Sirius in that room which was probably the only thing that helped him get a peaceful sleep.

"So, so you saw Regulus?" James then asked and he seemed a bit unsure of his words.

"Yes, I spent most of my time with him, he believed I joined them," Remus replied and James seemed to calm down a bit.

Over the next week, Sirius barely left the house, only to go for groceries which took less than ten minutes to get to. Remus got stronger left with only a small limp and did end up talking to Sirius about the cruciatus curse.

Sirius did finally leave when the order meeting came around and he went to go to James and then they would find the Porktey.

There was a knock on the door only moments after Sirius had left and Remus became rather confused but went to the door and opened it, and saw a familiar face.

"Hello Remus," Pandora said. It was quite startling to see her, especially at her door and he fought the urge to grab his wand from his pocket, but there was something there that told him she was no threat. It was at Regulus' home he had last seen her, she didn't attend meetings. It had been a couple of weeks since he'd last talked to her and now here she was, she looked pale, her eyes were a bit puffy and dark circles lay under her eyes. She wore dull clothes, they looked old and maybe had been worn for more than a few days.

"Pandora, what are you doing here?" Remus asked, he didn't even care to wonder how she knew the address.

"I need you to hold on to this, don't open it until something horrible is said in the papers," she said and she passed him a package that had been in her hand.

"Is everything alright," Remus asked, he felt concerned now, Pandora was always quite smiley and jokey and usually had a grin on her face but now she looked sick and depressed.

"Just don't open it alright, and Remus he's sorry, he's sorry," she said, and without another word, she turned and began to walk away.

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