Chapter 29

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April came upon them, and they were thrown into studies, the exams would start in mid-May and this being OWLs for the majority of them studying seemed a key part of all of their days, it even surprised most of them when Sirius, James and Marlene were soon found with textbooks in their hands and scribbling down notes.

Remus only had the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff match left to commentate on and then his long punishment was over. Slytherin had beaten Ravenclaw so whichever team won would go up against Slytherin in the final. Remus was more than glad to be done with commentating, the extra attention wasn't something he was rather fond of and after the prank, Sirius and James had pulled, he had felt more glares on him from Slytherins than usual.

The match came upon them at the end of April and Frank Longbottom threw the Gryffindor team into extra practices. He was rather stressed with his upcoming NEWTs and seemed to be taking his anxiousness out on the quidditch team. But finally, the match came.

Regulus joined Remus in the commentary box the morning of the match where McGonagall waited for him. "Ahh Mr Lupin, this was meant to be your last commentating match, but the students have submitted your name to commentate the final," she told him. Remus was not pleased with this news, but Regulus could not hide his smirk.

Soon enough the players were on the field mounting their brooms and soon taking off, Remus's commentary began, roars of laughter echoed around, and screams of joy were yelled when teams scored.

"And a bludger has been hit by Hufflepuff beater Abbott and its heading towards Potter and," Remus stopped and gasped filling the stands. Regulus had gripped Remus's arm tightly upon seeing what had happened.

The bludger had been aimed at James and Sirius had seen and dove forward with his bat in hand but he had missed, and the fast ball had hit the two of them before Sirius was finally able to hit it away. Sirius's nose was broken a lot of blood was seeping from it, coating his lips and chin. James had run his hand through his hair making it soaked with blood from his already bleeding head. They both looked a bit dazed but still went straight black into playing, Regulus' hand did leave Remus's arm the whole time not even after the Gryffindor seeker caught the snitch a couple of minutes later and the two came bounding towards them,

Sirius flung his arms around Remus and James didn't even have to do the same to Regulus because he had grasped onto James as soon as he was close enough.

"You need to go to the hospital wing," Remus almost ordered and Sirius chuckled but didn't stop Remus from starting to guide him towards the wing. James followed them with Regulus with an arm around his waist guiding him, not daring to let go, not caring about the confused looks they were getting. Madam Pomfrey quickly cleaned them up and congratulated them on the win and let them leave.

"You can stop looking worried," James said biting his lip to try to hide the smile on his face. Regulus looked very concerned and the fact that this concern was directed at James made his stomach feel like it was filled with butterflies.

"How's your head? " He asked ignoring James' previous words.

"It's fine, you know Pomfrey, she makes it feels like nothing ever happened," James replied and the four began to hear the thrumming of music coming from Gryffindor tower and they soon stepped through the portrait doors and were greeted by cheers.

Remus had sworn to himself that he wouldn't get as drunk as he did last time, and he kept to that. Regulus didn't drink regularly and didn't touch a sip of alcohol, from the way he was going he would live a long life, he wasn't very fond of the fact that Sirius and Remus smoked and always complained to them about how it was destroying their lungs.

James got the drunkest, he was bellowing songs while standing on tables jumping from there to the sofas as Peter took pictures. Sirius was laughing at this but was staying close to Remus. He was glad to hear that Remus would commentate on the final and kept telling him that when they won, he'd give Remus a proper good snog.

"James get off the table," Regulus said. It was a quarter to twelve and James was very drunk. He obeyed Regulus' orders and jumped down and used Regulus' arms to steady himself. His cheeks were bright red and his glasses askew and Regulus felt his cheeks brightening just looking at his grin.

"I think you're going to need some sleep to get over this hangover," he said, and James just chuckled in return which seemed to bother and pleased Regulus at the same time. He led James out of the common room and to the dorms.

"I love you," James chuckled planting a kiss on Regulus' cheek.

"Shut up," Regulus replied leading them over to James' bed.

"You've got to say it back," James said flopping into his bed and pouting like a small child.

"I love you to James," he replied feeling a smile creep onto his face.

James grinned at this and grabbed Regulus by the hand pulling him onto the bed to lie beside him, covering them both with his bed cover and wrapping his arms around Regulus' waist while resting his head on his shoulder.

"You're always going to be here, right?" James asked. The question had just floated into his mind, and he felt the urge to ask him.

"I'm not going anywhere James; I couldn't, I'll always be here" he replied.

"Good," James replied nuzzling his face into the crook of Regulus' neck.

Regulus was rather sure James wouldn't remember this, but the thought of him leaving James kept him awake all night, it seemed like an impossible thing to happen, and he hoped that it never would, being separated from James would be something worse than death to Regulus.

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