Chapter 78

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Dying was never part of Regulus' plan, even faking it. But he didn't ever plan on becoming a death eater but look where he was now.

Either way, it ended that he was going to drown, either literally or figuratively but it turned out maybe he would.

In that fleeting moment when his head began to bang when he began to scream but his lungs filled with water and all he could do when everything began to grow darker was call out James' name into the water.

But then he was on land, leaning against a rock outside the cave with Pandora and Kreacher beside him. Pandora was breathing heavily, drenched to the bone, clinging the locket to her chest and looking down at him and Kreacher was almost wailing.

That was the first Horcrux.

Barty and Evan had heard a lot about a ring that Voldemort had hidden so they were left to find it. They had to find who it had belonged to before finally narrowing it down and finding the ring in the Gaunt family shack, the ring seemed to be heavily cursed so they kept it out of their hands.

That was the second Horcrux.

A cup had been recently put in the Lestrange vault and Barty and Regulus broke through Gringotts to steal it. The cup was known to be Helga Hufflepuffs herself.

That was the third Horcrux.

Evan and Pandora heard of a book being kept at Pandora's brother's home. The Malfoy manor was easy to get into when Pandora was a Malfoy herself and they quickly found the Diary.

That was the fourth Horcrux.

Pandora enjoyed her task of breaking into Hogwarts. She had heard of the diadem that was believed to be lost a long time ago. In her first year of Hogwarts, the ghost Helena Ravenclaw told her that it still existed and how the dark lord had done something to it, she didn't think much of it then, but now she knew.

She broke into Hogwarts and found it in the room of requirement, she got passed many by just wearing her old Ravenclaw uniform but she walked straight into Slughorn and ran for it.

That was the fifth Horcrux.

Regulus destroyed the last Horcrux a few moments before he killed Voldemort.

The snake was always beside Voldemort who had become aware that someone was hunting Horcruxes, Regulus would gladly never forget the look on Voldemort's face when he came in, the stolen Gryffindor sword (which Pandora had stolen and replaced with a replica) in hand and walked in.

Pandora, Barty and Evan walked in beside him, wands raised, there were only a couple of death eaters in the room and a fight broke loose instantly.

Regulus knew he was protected so he ran forward sword in hand dodging a killing curse from Voldemort and cutting the head of the snake off. It disappeared into the air.

That was the sixth and final Horcrux.

A look of realisation dawned on Voldemort's face, he knew he was going to die. They had destroyed all the other Horcruxes.

"You were playing a fool's game, Tom," Regulus said and with one swift movement plunged the sword into his heart and watched as his eyes lose the light in them and he became limp.

Lord Voldemort was dead.


An hour before dinner Dumbledore was in his office, writing down a letter to Alastor Moody to tell him of what to inform the Order.

Nothing interesting had happened, no new news, all he had was assignments. He would not admit to himself that the losses were a lot. The McKinnons, Dorcas, and The Prewetts couldn't admit that he could not see the end of the war. Until a boy walked in. A boy he believed to be dead.

"Good evening Professor," Regulus Black said softly, his hands behind his back, his tone soft.

"Regulus, this is a surprise," Dumbledore replied calmly, he could not tell if Regulus was here for nefarious reasons.

"Oh, I assure you, my presence won't be the only surprise," he told him a smirk on his face. "You can stop your fretting because the Dark Lord is dead,".

"Impossible," Dumbledore told him sternly, if this was a mind game, it would not work well.

But then the doors opened with a bang and Pandora Malfoy, Barty Crouch Jr and Evan Rosier walked in. Evan was levitating something and he walked over and let it drop onto Dumbledore's desk.

The old man's mouth fell open as he looked down upon the lifeless body of Voldemort.

"We destroyed his six Horcruxes and killed him, so yes you're war is over," Regulus told him. "Now announce it to the world," Regulus said before turning and they walked out of the office.

"Sorry we took so long, those two decided to levitate the body to chase some first years, we passed McGonagall, and she almost fainted," Pandora told him.

"But it was hilarious," Barty chuckled.

"Where are we going now?" Evan asked, they were walking down corridors hoping not to walk into any adults who would most likely jinx them.

"Oh Evan we can figure that out but Reggie here is obviously going to his dear loverboy," Barty chuckled.

"He already made me find and give him his address," Pandora told them.

"Oh be quiet," Regulus snapped.

"Gonna snog him aren't you Reg," Barty teased.

"As a matter of fact, yes I am Crouch, I plan to snog James Potter if he'll let me," Regulus told them.

"After he cries, Potter is probably going to wail at the sight of you," Evan said.

"I bet five galleons that he'll faint," Barty said.

"Are you going to tell James about Peter?" Pandora then asked, they were on the grounds now, walking towards Hogsmeade.

"I will, but not straight away, it would be too much and I want to see my brother too," Regulus told them.

"Well you can apparate from here, but we must get drinks first, all on Evan, this is a time to celebrate," Barty said and the four walked towards the three broomsticks.

Hi guys only around 4-6 chapter less maybe a bit more, it's been 3 months of writing this and it's almost earlier, hope your all enjoying

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