Chapter 12

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Tw- homophobic slurs

Remus's head ached. He slept in all day and only sat up once when Peter and James came bounding into the room with a plate of toast. Of course, they had gotten over their hangovers so quickly.

While Remus ate Peter spent most of the time telling him he was an utter prick for not telling him about him and Sirius. Sirius, the one whose voice was so near, Remus could hear him sing over the pouring sounds of the shower.

The full moon was tonight so at ten to six he untangled himself from Sirius's grip who had stayed with him all day. "See you in the shack," Remus said after he pulled on a different outfit from yesterday.

He made his way to the hospital wing and Madam Pomfrey gave him his potion. If she could smell the alcohol still affecting his usual scent, she didn't mention it.

He began to walk towards the grounds when he passed two people he knew rather well, which he wish he didn't. Mulciber and Snape, those bloody two Slytherins always seemed to prowl around.

"Ah, there's the fag everyone's on about" Snape chuckled.

Remus knew he needed to go soon. "Fuck of Snape alright" he replied clenching and unclenching his fists.

"Hey, Mulciber, how about you show this poof here that spell I showed you," Snape said turning to his friend.

In seconds before Remus could do anything Mulciber had drawn his wand and with a wordless spell flicked his wand. A gash sliced down Remus's cheek and he felt the warm red liquid begin to pool out.

"What did I say Mulciber, the lot of them are bloody poofs, didn't think Black would stoop that low you know, someone as dirty as" Snape began as Remus pulled his hand to his bleeding face, but he was stopped by a loud painful sound of Sirius Blacks fist colliding with his face.

In a matter of seconds Snape was running off in a frenzy his hand clutching his bleeding nose and Mulciber was trailing after him.

"That was one punch," Peter said and Remus turned to see Peter and James were there too.

"You alright," Sirius asked coming over to Remus, he examined the cut. "Fuck merlin, madam Pomfrey will need to look at that," he said.

"We've got to go, the moon's almost completely visible," James said and in seconds Remus found himself running alongside his friends towards the whomping willow until they turned into animals and he was now running amongst creatures. He was tired by the time he was in the passage and the three turned back. They walked into the shack and Remus began to un-change, it was such a normal habit now that he no longer feared the looks he may get from the scars, those pitying looks.

By the time he sat down the change was coming over him and the three turned back into animals once again. Agonizing pain tormented him and then nothing.


School was over. The approaching holiday came, Christmas. The full moon had been easy and the Hogsmeade trip was thrilling for many, well, especially Lily and Mary, but no one knew that.

Sirius and James would stay at the Potters and Peter were only a few doors down, Remus would be with his family.

Remus lupin's family was broken. It had been broken since the day he was bitten but ever since then, it kept shattering more and more. His father hated him, disgusted that he was a werewolf and Remus was unsure if he ever cared for Remus at all after he had been bitten. But it hadn't been Remus' fault it was all Lyall, he had to anger Greyback, had to make this all happen.

Remus' mother was a loving woman, she was a Muggle but quickly adapted to this life and was there the most for Remus when he was bitten, Remus would like to say that he had only one parent and that was her.

When they arrived at the station everyone was grabbing their bags and saying goodbye to their friends.

"You'll write won't you?" Sirius asked as he pulled Remus over kissing the side of his cheek as they grabbed their bags in the crowded corridor.

"Of course, he will, if he doesn't we'll come to kidnap him and blame it on thinking he was lonely" James grinned and Remus nodded to confirm that he would right.

In a matter of seconds he had said a quick goodbye and was off the train searching for his parents. But then he saw only his mother and threw her a wide smile which she returned, but as he got closer he realised someone was horribly wrong, her lips was busted, one eye was black and both had dark circles beneath them.




Lyall used to hit her. Hit them. It was for two years between the year before Remus started Hogwarts and first year. When he first got to school he had a bruised nose and that adding to only one scar on his face at the time led Sirius to believe he was in a gang for a whole month.

They were already through the wall and pacing towards the cat when Remus was able to pull words from his mouth. "He wanted me back," he said, his mouth dry, he didn't know what else to say, she wouldn't ask for him back if this was happening.

"Yes, now let's get to the car and you can tell me all about what you've been doing," she responded, she sounded a bit squeaky, for a second she reminded him of Peter.

They were in the car before he finally spoke again. "He's hitting again, isn't he," he asked but he knew the answer.

She nodded, her hands gripping tightly to the steering wheel, she hadn't even started up the car yet. "I don't know why your father wants you back Remus, but I hope it's good," she said softly.

"Lyall isn't going to hurt you again," Remus said it was a statement, he wasn't going to let that happen.

This chapter is mainly dedicated to our moony and the next one will be too and guys don't worry the hogsmeade trip will not be forgotten, you'll find out more about it after this Christmas holiday  :)

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