Chapter 53

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The prank wouldn't be active until dinner that night so there was a lot of time in-between.

By nine in the morning, Sirius had dozed off and Remus lay next to him. They weren't tangled together but just beside one another.

Remus's head was running at a hundred miles an hour and he needed to speak to someone, he got off the bed and put his shirt on. He made his way to the common room and noticed James and Peter asleep on the sofa. Mary walked in and smiled at him and then shot a confused look at James and Peter.

"Where's Lily?" He asked, he knew Regulus was currently at quidditch practice and wouldn't be able to talk till lunch.

"The library," she responded and without another word, he was dashing past her and towards the library. He walked through the shelves until he saw the flick of red hair and found her putting a book back.

"Lily, Lily!" He said and she turned and was confused about the urgent tone in his voice.

"Morning Remus, are you alright?" She asked now studying him, his messed up hair didn't calm her.

He pulled out a nearby seat for her and took one himself and when she sat down he spoke. "I kissed Sirius," he mumbled.

"You what!" She said loudly and then heard a loud shush from not far away and repeated her question more quietly.

"Yeah," he said ns found his face becoming red, it had really happened.

"Like a small one?" She asked, she was hanging onto his every word, gossiping with Remus was always exciting.

"More like a snog," He replied he was sure that at this point his face was as red as her hair.

"Do you think he wanted that, I mean did he seem uncomfortable?" She asked, she wanted to know every bit of detail Remus was able to give her.

"Well the fact that he confessed he still loved me at like one am and then we snogged in a broom closet and then for a few hours in his bed that I got out of about ten minutes ago, I'll go with yes," Remus deadpanned and Lily rolled her eyes, but still had questions.

"Why were you in a broom closet?" She asked, the story was getting more interesting by the minute.

"A prank, you'll know in the evening, but merlin Lily I know I told you what Melanie said and I just couldn't believe it, but now I do," Remus said now pressing his palms to his cheeks.

"You love him, Remus I think you always have and always will, it's stupid but I think from the moment you began to love him, you wouldn't be able to stop," Lily told him softly and she rested a hand on his knee.

"You're so sappy," he chuckled softly and she gave him a small smile, he looked so bright and full of colour, it seemed like during being apart from Sirius he had dimmed and was now back.

"But if he hurts you again I will kill him," Lily announced which made Remus chuckle and shake his head and thank her.

He told her about it all the closet and back in the dorm and how Peter and James had walked in.

Sirius woke up just past noon by his stomach, he was starving, Remus wasn't beside him but he knew that he would be soon, Remus loved him, he'd said it himself and it was everything to Sirius.

He pulled on his shirt and tied his hair into a ponytail after running a brush through it a couple of times and made his way to the Great hall, he felt stares at him and thought it would be because he was practically beaming but even James was grinning foolishly when he sat down.

Mary and Marlene were there with Peter and James and they were staring at him, Mary's mouth was open and Marlene was looking confused sipping pumpkin juice.

"Moony got carried away then," James chuckled and that made them explode. Mary gasped and Marlene spat her pumpkin juice into Peters's face.

It took Sirius a few seconds and then he realised, his neck was littered with hickeys, and eyes were clawing at him from others. All around people wondering who was lucky enough to get with Sirius Black and leave him in this state.

Regulus walked in a few moments later, unaware of the chatter and stirring beside James grabbing a sandwich before looking up.

"Fucking hell, you and Remus?" He asked and Sirius chuckled a little, oh he was happy he couldn't be happier.

Melanie was making her way out of the hall when she walked past Lily and Remus walking in like all the others had seen Sirius and she smiled softly at him knowing damn well that the maker of those marks was him.

Remus and Lily took a seat at the table, Remus sat beside Regulus and Lily took a seat beside Mary. Remus was confused until Marlene spoke "Heard you got carried away," she chuckled and he looked at her and then at Sirius and his face became completely red.

"So you and Black again huh," Marlene continued smirking and then she turned to Sirius. "You hurt him and I'll bite your fingers off," she told him.

"That's the first time I've heard a threat like that," Regulus said, he was rather enjoying how embarrassed Remus was right now.

"Back off McKinnon we can give threats later, I want details now," Mary said, she and the others were on the edge of their seats wanting to know everything.

"Mind your business McDonald," Remus said and looked at Sirius before beginning to leave, Sirius was following him in seconds.

"He told me everything, he should have thought that through," Lily said and she told them all she knew.

"You know what I am the reason they got back together, I paired them up in the prank so Sirius could confess," James told them.

"What prank?" Regulus asked but James just grinned and ignored the question.

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