Chapter 6

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Remus had dozed off and when he awoke he found that he now had the blanket over him and Sirius was gone. He stretched and his head was aching. He could still feel the warmth of Sirius on his legs and knew he had t be gone long, but then he heard a distant yell and he remembered. "Shit!" he yelled making Peter jolt in his armchair but before Peter could ask Remus was up dashing for the stairs.

He finally got to the dorms and found James looking very tired in his bed, Regulus stood up on the side of that bed, his clothes still on from the night before but his hair was a bit ruffled, and Sirius was in the middle of the room, looking like thunder.

"You left moony, how could you do that!" Sirius yelled not acknowledging that Remus was in the room and looking like he might go over and punch one of them. Remus came over and wrapped an arm around Sirius' waist yanking him back.

"Merlin's beard is black stay off it alright it's fine, go sit on the couch now," Remus said a bit like an order. Sirius gave him a look it looked sad but not that he was sad for him but for Remus.

Sirius did walk downstairs and left the three in the room. "When are you gonna tell him?" James asked looking like he hasn't been able to breathe for the last few minutes.

"I say when you have the veritaserum" Regulus replied.

"What," James asked looking confused.

"We made a bet that whoever's crush didn't make a move first had to have veritaserum in front of their crush" Regulus replied.

"Aww, you called me your crush" James hummed which owed him an eye-roll.

"The full moons in two weeks, how about the morning after, Sirius nearly always sits with me in the dorm that day, plus it means there's no chance I'm slipping to anyone that I'm a werewolf"  Remus suggested and it was agreed.

"Oh, Sirius will love that you all touchy then" James grinned.

"I am not" Remus snapped back.

"Oh for Merlin's sake you are, right before it you'd cut someone's hand off if they touched you but after I wouldn't be surprised if you went up and hugged dumbledore" Regulus replied and Remus just rolled his eyes.

Remus went back down the stairs and wished he could copy Peter who had fallen back to sleep but could see Sirius on the couch his arms crossed pouting.

"I didn't mean to hurt your feelings" Remus spoke as he sat down beside Sirius.

"It's not mine, it's yours, you're letting him get away with it" Sirius replied.

"Pads, you'll understand where I'm coming from in a couple of weeks but for now all you've got to know is that I'm fine and there is no need at all to spoil their happiness" Remus answered.

Sirius sighed and leaned his head on Remus' shoulder "Your so nice moony".

James was so happy he hadn't screwed anything up, he hadn't hurt anyone's feelings and he had kissed Regulus and was now going to date Regulus. Fucking Regulus Arcturus Black. Regulus had slipped back into the bed beside him and was now just holding his hand.

"Wait so you made a bet"


"Merlin's beard, your bloody trouble you know that"

"Guess your gonna have to deal with that" Regulus grinned rolling over to now he faced James his chin resting on his chest.



Regulus just kissed him, he had no question this was all he wanted, he wanted James and he had him, and he was so bloody happy.

The two weeks passed quicker than Remus liked, he was on edge about the whole veritaserum thing, and with the full moon, he seemed to at all costs avoid everyone.

Sirius had been a bit annoyed with James for a few days but they seemed to talk as normal again as if nothing happened but he still had a bit of an annoyance with Regulus.

But then the full moon came. The night was quite peaceful and Remus woke up to find he had cut the edge of his ear but nothing else. He said goodbye to his friends as they transformed back into their animagus forms and left the shack.

The ear was nothing but Remus felt weak, a bit more than usual. Madam Pomfrey came and fixed his ear up and then brought him to the hospital wing and gave him a potion to make him feel better but it didn't do that much. It was Friday morning and most people were at breakfast before lessons but Sirius was in the seat beside Remus' bed.

Madam Pomfrey let him go but told him to stay in his dorm for the day and get some sleep. He began to walk but was swaying a little and soon found Sirius putting an arm around him holding him steady as he walked.

As predicted, Regulus was outside waiting, a cup in hand. "I got you a drink, James mentioned you were looking a bit pale," Regulus said passing Remus the cup that Remus knew was not pumpkin juice.

"Thanks" Remus replied before gulping down its contents in one and passing Regulus back the cup and after a small goodbye he carried on walking with Sirius still helping.

By the time they were at the first staircase, Remus was leaning most of his weight on Sirius. "Merlin moony do you just want me to carry you at this point" Sirius joked.

"Sure" Remus replied his voice wasn't jokey like Sirius' was and he immediately knew the potion had taken effect.

"Oh, ok then" Sirius replied looking quite surprised by Remus' answers, and in seconds he hoisted Remus into his arms holding him bridal style.

"I'm probably too heavy" Remus groaned his eyes basically shut.

"Oh shush moony, I've held books heavier than you" Sirius replied and he saw a small smile spread across Remus's lips.

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