Chapter 31

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"You have to write, if you don't I'll come and get you," Sirius said to Remus as they began to walk their bags towards the station.

"Yes I will Sirius, and stay out of trouble, you know your parents," Remus said.

They were one of the last ones to the train and pulled their bags onto the Hogwarts Express, the year was over.

They found the others in the carriage they were all squished together but not caring. "Thought we were going to end up leaving you here," James chuckled.

"Sirius' fault for trying to leave his potions book, Regulus make sure he studies over the summer," Remus said and Regulus nodded.

The train began to move and Hogwarts became a distant blur and the countryside began to flash past the window, showing the bright blue summer sky and the green grass with sheep and cows upon it. They talked about their plans for the summer and how they should get together to buy new school items in Diagon alley.

Soon the train pulled into King cross station and the students began to pile out. James kissed Regulus, cupping his cheeks and Sirius did the same to Remus holding him tight. They all said goodbyes to one another and yelled promises to write while grabbing their luggage and getting off the train.

Marlene was met by her father and older brother both smiling at her widely.

Dorcas was met with her mother who smiled softly at her daughter before putting an arm around her shoulder and guiding her towards the barrier.

Peter was greeted by his parents both glad to see their son and hear about his year.

Mary was hugged by her mother and father who were delighted to see their daughter.

Lily found her way over to her mother and her sister. Her mother was overjoyed to see her daughter and Petunia Evans seemed to be trying to hide a smile.

James was welcomed with open arms by both his parents glad to hear all about James' year and how he thinks he did on his exam.

Regulus and Sirius were greeted with nods and stern nods from their mother who began to walk towards the barrier as they followed her.

Remus was met with both his parents. His mother was glad to see him smiling widely and pulling him into a hug, she had no injuries. His father was not looking at him but seemed to be looking at someone else. Remus followed his gaze to see Euphemia Potter glaring at him, but once she saw Remus she threw him a smile.

"Who's that?" his mother asked curiously.

"My friend James' mum, Euphemia," Remus replied and Hope knew who she was at once and mouthed a small 'thank you' to the woman who had helped keep her boy safe before they began to walk from the platform and towards the heat of the summer day.


Dear Sirius,

Everything is alright at home, well as alright as it can be, Dad has a bigger role in the ministry so he works there most of the time and doesn't drink as much, mum and I have been baking a lot it's been fun, how's your summer going?



Dear Moony,

I'm happy everything at your house is alright. My parents are being right nuts, raging about the war and stuff and how I should follow their ways, blah blah blah, I miss you, and I've been reading, you can ask Reg, I love you



Dear Regulus,

How's it going my one and only Reggie, you miss me. I miss you and do remember that the outside world exists, you are probably cooped up with a book,
Hope you have dreams about me



Dear James,

It's alright, Sirius might get murdered it's like he's trying to annoy my parents. I miss you too, but no books are far more interesting than outside.
I love you




Sirius is coming to yours soon, he's not in great shape, don't write




Sirius ran away from home, he got hurt but he's alright now, he's at mine, do you wanna come over,



Remus was soon on his father's old broom which he didn't use anymore, his summer had been, well eventful. But he didn't want to be anywhere else other than with Sirius right now.

It was late August, less than two weeks until school would begin again.

He arrived at the Potters at around midday and knocked a bit too harshly at the door.

"Remus, you're facing, did he?" Euphemia asked, Remus had a busted lip and a black eye.

"No, just some Muggle kids," he chuckled trying to calm her. "Where's Sirius?" he asked, his broom still clutched in his hand.

"His room, he's awake and pretty much screaming the house down with James, you're always the quiet one," she smiled and he nodded and she let him in.

He made his way to Sirius' room, which Sirius pretty much already owned, he spent Christmas here since the second year.

He opened the door to see Sirius propped up in bed, he was chuckling, he had a large bruise on the side of his face and he was rather pale, his eyes held dark circles beneath them but he seemed happy.

He turned to see Remus and his smile fell. "Remus, did he?" Sirius asked and James turned from where he sat at the foot of Sirius' bed.

"No, no, I accidentally joined a gang," Remus replied, trying to dismiss his worries.

"Accidentally!" James yelled a bit too loud.

"Doesn't matter, how are you?" He said walking to Sirius, he came and took his hand in his.

"My parents, were fed up with me I guess, so I left, Regulus stayed, they like him I guess," Sirius replied.

Remus leaned over and kissed Sirius's forehead, he couldn't express how worried he was.

"Now you better explain, what you mean when you accidentally join a gang?" Sirius asked.

"I was in it for the cigarettes and I didn't realise it was a gang till a bit late," Remus replied as if this was a regular conversation.

"Merlin's beard Moony," Sirius said and he just shook his head and laughed a bit at James' very panicked look. "You're the spitting image of your mum" Sirius grinned and James threw a pillow at him.

Sirius was alright, but he'd been through something crap.

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