Chapter 2

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Silence seemed to take over the room till Sirius spoke up. "You two," he said pointing from Remus to Regulus, he seemed unsure but he had paled.

"Yes, me and Regulus" Remus replied biting his tongue at the lie. It was silent again and Remus thought something bad would come from this.

"Well now that you know, moony and I will see you tomorrow," he told the two, and then he began to walk down the stairs Remus let go of his hand as they got to the bottom.

"You called me Moony," Remus chuckled finally finding his voice again.

"Merlin never again,"

"Where are we going?" Remus asked as they began to walk out through the portrait hole.

"We've got to sell it, your going to sleep in my dorm room" Regulus replied.

They reached the dungeons where the Slytherin common room was and as Remus walked in he felt beady eyes and sneers directed towards him but he ignored it walking following Regulus up the stairs to his dorm.

When they opened the door there were two other boys there, in a very violent game of gobstones, Evan Rosier and Barty Crouch Jr. "Oh look it Regulus, it seems he ditched one Gryffindor for another" Evan chuckled.

"Evan I told you if you touch my journal again I'll jinx you" Regulus snapped back at the wavy-haired Slytherin.

"You have a diary" Remus chuckled.

"JOUR-NAL" Regulus sounded out.

"Come on now Black tell us why Lupins here" Barty grinned. Regulus told the two the truth and they seemed both impressed and compelled by the plan.

"Should have used that one on Barty here, would have got him quicker" Evan said and Barty rolled his eyes in return.

In the end, Remus ended up top and tailing with Regulus, the two bearly slept using a silencing charm as they talked about the plan to rile up the other two.

"No no no, we're not murdering anyone" James pleaded which led Peter who had just walked into the room to become very confused.

"I don't like the sound of this" Peter said and walked over to the bathroom closing the door not wanting to even know what those two were on about.

"But Prongs, that Lil shit took my moony" Sirius argued.

"Oi he's your brother and moony wasn't yours you never had the guts to ask him out, I'm as distraught as you but murder is not ideal," James said flopping down next to Sirius on his bed.

"You're just upset you can't get into my brother's pants you pervert" Sirius mumbled with earned him a punch in the shoulder.

"Do you think it's legit, maybe they're pranking us, maybe this is revenge for all those pranks" James said.

"If it's a prank I'll kill them"

"Pads no killing people"

"How do you think my brother would feel if I asked his boyfriend out?" Sirius asked as if they hadn't just been having a different conversation topic.

"Probably pissed, merlin why those two, I know they have like a weird connection but I thought that was just them making fun of everyone" James muttered.

"James, James, James- I have an idea" Sirius then blurted now jumping up and down on the bed.


"We make them fall for us, I mean with our stunning looks and amazing personalities they'll be forced to realize how amazing we are" Sirius announced flicking his hair over his shoulder dramatically.

"But breaking them up, it's cruel isn't it" James replied.

Sirius thought for a second "But if they love someone else they can't be in a committed relationship, this is for the good of the universe" Sirius said raising his wand in the air.

"Alright Pads I'm in, but I'm not getting dragged down for this Regulus didn't speak to me for a month when I put sugar in his coffee" James replied.

"I don't want to know," Peter said as he appeared out of the bathroom and climbed into his four-poster bed not acknowledging the empty bed.

"Hiya moony" Sirius chirped the next morning sitting at the breakfast table beside the curly-haired boy. Remus was everything in Sirius' eyes. He had straw-colored curly hair that sometimes fell infront of his amber eyes. Remus was five inches taller than Sirius and even though Sirius claimed to hate the height difference he adored it.

Regulus sat opposite at the Gryffindor table where he was half the time, at this point he was an honorary Gryffindor.  Remus and before he could even say a word James sat beside him and grinned. "Morning Reg" he smiled.

"Hey" the two other boys said in unison.

"I'm getting a weird vibe," a voice said and the four boys turned to see Marlene McKinnon waving her fork around as Lily sipped a tea with a book in hand.

"My guess is those two are unhappy for some reason about me and Regulus dating" Remus chirped.

Lily spat her tea onto her book. Marlene grinned and Mary who had been coming to sit down fell into a big giggle. "Oh my Merlin, I'm so happy for you two, I always knew Regulus was a big softie at heart, but if you hurt Remus I will end you," Mary said.

"Nice to know where our boundaries lie McDonald I'll keep that in mind" Regulus replied and looked to see Lily already doing a spell to dry her book.

By the end of the day, Peter and Dorcas (Marlene's Slytherin girlfriend) had heard the news. Lily knew straight away that it wasn't real.

"So it's a ruse right?" She whispered to Remus as they walked to arithmacy.

"Yes Evans, it's mine, and Black's attempt to get the real ones we like to be jealous" Remus grinned.

Lily tutted but was grinning a bit too "I can't wait to see the look on Potter and Blacks pace when they find out, you'll have to tell me if they let you live" she chuckled.

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