Chapter 22

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The Hogsmeade trip at the start of December was quite a nice one for many, but not as good as Lily and Mary's.

After asking each other to Hogsmeade they soon found themselves walking the snow-covered streets. They laughed and blushed until their faces burnt red, they had both asked each other there and they both had good reason for it.

They walked up a deserted path and Mary was laughing at something her head falling forward for a second as she laughed at the joke that Lily had made Lily knew at that moment what she wanted to do and so she kissed Mary, and she did not regret it.

"Do you want to go out with me?" Lily asked and Mary had to pull herself out of the shock.

"Yes, yes thousand times yes," Mary replied and the two smiled at one another.

The weeks passed and Mary spent Christmas with Lily then finally Mary asked Lily to be her girlfriend and their little relationship was becoming a whole lot bigger.

"Regulus.." a voice whispered. He had been asleep, and he was rather sure he may still be dreaming. The voice sounded happy and far too awake for 1 am.

"Regulus," the voice repeated now shaking him a bit and he realized that he was awake and being disturbed while trying to sleep.

"Wha?" He asked, too tired to sit up or open his eyes.

"I'm taking you on a date," James' voice sang.

"James, I don't even wanna know when you got here, but I'm sleeping," Regulus replied, keeping his eyes shut.

"Come on," James grinned sliding into the bed beside Regulus and kissing his jaw.

"It'll be fun," he said planting another kiss on his neck.

"I've prepared it all, come on love," James said pressing another kiss onto Regulus' neck.

Regulus let out a groan, merlin, James was going to make him stop breathing one of these days.

"Fine potter," he said and he opened his eyes to see the grinning James in front of him.

Regulus got up to find James dressed up warm, wearing a scarf and jacket. Of course, he wanted to go somewhere outside in the middle of January at 1 am.

Regulus wrapped himself up in warm clothes too and soon found James wrapping an arm around his waist and leading him from his dorm and out of the Slytherin common room and up the stairs until they were finally at the astronomy tower.

The wind was soft but sent a chill across the air. As soon as they arrived he saw that James had put effort into it, his tiredness was long gone.

James had placed a picnic blanket on the floor and had snuck to the kitchens and gotten sweets and still steaming cups of coffee.

"I want you to show me your star
I know it's the Leo constellation, but I don't know where it is," James said softly.

"Alright," Regulus said sitting down with James and he pointed.

"So you see that big star there, it's close with two others, it's not as bright as the other two," he spoke and James looked at where he was pointing.

"Yeah, it's bigger than those two but seems more faded," James spoke.

"That's the Denebola, and the brightest star there on its right, that's Regulus," he told him.

"Beautiful," James replied, he looked in complete awe.

"Yes, it is," Regulus replied but he wasn't looking at the star but at the boy beside him. "Beautiful".

"You can stop staring at the Casanova of Gryffindor," James chuckled a bit after realising Regulus' eyes were on him.

Regulus let out a snort and James turned to him. "That was adorable," he chuckled.

"Oh you can't talk, you think you're the Casanova of Gryffindor," Regulus smirked.

"Oh it's not me, then fill me in who is it that's stolen that place from me," James asked.

"Remus of course," Regulus replied.

"What?" James almost yelled which made Regulus smirk grow.

"Half the girls have their eyes on him and so do half the boys, he's mysterious, smart, funny, and hot" Regulus replied.

"Thank you for calling the guy you fake-dated hot in front of your boyfriend," James pouted.

"I'm not lying though, I am a hundred percent sure that half our friends have had a crush on Remus," Regulus replied.

"I'm going to get to the bottom of that, to see if your theories are true," James replied.

"You have fun with that, Potter" Regulus told him.

By eight the next evening all their friends were in the common room. "I have an announcement to make, well a question," James said and all eyes went to him.

Regulus who was beside Mary shook his head holding back his chuckle.

"Please, just so I can see if a theory is true, raise your hand if you have had a crush on Remus at any point," James asked.

An array of hands went up, Mary, Dorcas, Regulus, Lily, Sirius, and even James raised his hand himself. It was only Remus, Peter, and Marlene with their hands down.

"What?" Remus said the book that he had been reading he had now completely closed.

"Explanations," James said lowering his hand.

"1st year, he was very interesting and smart, then Marlene was here and made me realize I was a full-blown Lesbian," Dorcas said speaking first.

"4th year after that growth spurt, I like people tall and smart," Mary replied and she gave a side-eye to Lily who spoke up.

"2nd year, he was the only decent boy in our year, and funny," Lily told them all.

"3rd year, he was kind of my sexual awakening," James said.

"Also 3rd year, when we started talking, and we had a kiss at a party," Regulus replied.
"A kiss, Merlin's beard and if you want me to explain you might need a few hours," Sirius said his arm now around Remus' waist.

Remus was red with embarrassment and shock but James shrugged.

"Well I guess I have to say that Remus you truly are the Casanova of Gryffindor," James said.

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