Chapter 17

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Remus fell asleep soon after he got in bed, he was glad of this because it meant he didn't need the draught to sleep.

But then the nightmare began.

It was cold, really cold, it seemed like no heat was entering the home and the wintery weather was slipping in. There was a smash and Remus picked himself up from his bedroom floor where he had been sitting, with an almost burnt-out cigarette between his lips, and soon tore his way downstairs.

"Your fucking useless!" Lyall shouted and he punched her in the face so that blood began to ooze from her nose. This had been the only time he failed, the only time she had gotten hope. He ran over and in seconds he was punching Lyall his fists beating against his chest, it didn't seem to affect the drunken man who lurched forwards and stabbed one of the shards of glass in his hand into Remus' head and Remus watched as blood blurred his vision and with a hit of an empty bottle, he was knocked on.

Remus jolted awake, he was panting for breath. He ran his fingers over one of the new scars on his head, that had happened.

He began to walk from the room into the hallway, it was coming up to one am, and as he closed his door someone did at the same time. He turned and saw James.

He was about to say a small hello but then looked to see James was dressed up. Blue jeans with white trainers with a blue jumper, and coat on.

"You're going to see Regulus aren't you," Remus chuckled, it was a bit hard to see in the dark but he could still see a grin fall on James' face.

"Yeah, you keep that to yourself though, I think Sirius would be more than happy to harass me on that," James chuckled and Remus agreed and waved goodbye to James who made his way quietly down the stairs.

The whole nightmare was still burning a hole in the back of his head and he remembered why he had left his room, Sirius.

He opened Sirius' door and closed it. "Sirius," Remus whispered into the semi-darkness, he was still groggy and half asleep that he didn't have the energy to have a proper look to see if Sirius was awake.

"Moony," that caring voice called back and soon Sirius was walking across the room, of course Sirius slept with only joggers on.

"Can I stay with you," Remus asked he had his head down not looking at Sirius in the eyes.

"You never have to ask that, of course Remus, always," Sirius told him and then he slid his fingers into Remus' interlocking them and walked him over to his bed where he pulled Remus onto, wrapping an arm around his waist and running his hand through Remus' hair.

Remus' face was pressed against Sirius' bare chest and he didn't mind it, he could hear Sirius' heart beat again and again. "It was a nightmare, I'm sorry," Remus said he put one of his hands on Sirius' arm, just resting it there.

"You don't have to be sorry Remus, never be sorry," Sirius replied and Remus nodded against his chest.

"You're late, and it's bloody snowing now," James said and he stood up from the kids roundabout he had been spinning on.

"I got lost, don't end up in Muggle playgrounds as much as you do potter," Regulus grinned and he grabbed James by the collar of his coat and pulled him so they kissed.

"I missed you too," James chuckled as they broke from the kiss.

"I got a letter from Remus, who told me he was at your house, what happened?" Regulus asked.

James grin fell and his eyes seemed to become sorrowful, Regulus knew then that Remus definitely lied about it being nothing in the letter.

"He hasn't said much, he's still pretty much in shock I guess, but me and Sirius went to Whales to see what was happening, check on him and we found him with his mother, she made him go with us, and he was in real bad shape," James looked horrified at the thought of it.

"He told us just that his father doesn't like him, so we guessed he's been hurting Remus, but he's been a bit off a mess, not alot of eating or sleeping, but before I left I ran into him and he smiled, I think he'll be ok," James told him.

"Merlin, he didn't say shit in that letter," Regulus said, he rubbed his hands together now regretting not bringing gloves.

The snow had now created a thick carpet on the ground, it hadn't snowed in years and James seemed to marvel at it before letting himself floo down into the snow beside him, looking up at the star filled sky.

"What are you doing James?" Regulus asked but couldn't help but love that way James was, just so carefree.

"Looking at the stars, can you join me?" James asked and soon Regulus was next to him, he had pulled James cold hands to his, James seemed to be on the verge of frostbite.

"I remember your star is in the Leo constellation, wish I had a star," James said.

"You do, you can't see your's now though," Regulus said, he wasn't even looking at the sky, just at James.

"What?" James replied, turning to look at him.

"You're the sun James, you brighten up the whole world," Regulus said the words tumbling from him.

"Didn't know you are soppy Regulus, besides, the sun's a planet," James replied and Regulus let out a long laugh and it rang so beautifully like a symphony.

"I love you," James said just looking into those pale green eyes and knowing ever word coming from his mouth was true, he truly did love Regulus.

"I love you too," Regulus said, he truly did love James.

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