Divide and Conquer

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In the original version of this book I would italicize thoughts and audio from screens or recordings, but that would make the reposting process longer and more difficult, so I'm not going to italicize anything in this book.

(F/I/C) = flowy item of clothing


A malicious smile makes its way to my face at the sound of heavy footsteps echoing around the gray cell block. From the rafters, I watch as a blocky cement giant clomps into the room after breaking into the large, gray prison. My eyes glow lightly as an excited giggle leaves my lips

"You know, Cinderblock," a higher pitched male voice says from beside me. "Normally the bad guys break out of jail." The giant scans the area with a low growl, searching for the owner of the voice.

"And I can think of six good reasons why you don't want to break in," a second male voice says. Robin, a lean boy in a domino mask and cape, lands on the floor in a crouch. "One!"

"Two!" Starfire, a girl with orange skin, red hair, and a purple crop top and skirt, exclaims as she flies in and lands.

Beast Boy, a green boy with the higher pitched voice, jumps in; landing in tiger form before turning human again. "Three!"

Raven, a girl in a dark blue cloak, appears in a ready stance. "Four."

Cyborg, a large, black teen that's mostly robotic, jumps in. "Five!"

I drop to the floor, landing on my feet and crossing my arms. A mischievous smirk on my face. "Six."

"No matter how you do the math, it all adds up to you going down," Robin says. "So, are you going to go quietly-"

"Or is this gonna get loud?" Cyborg asks as he punches his palm. Cinderblock roars and runs at us, his footsteps so heavy it rattles the ground.

"Titans! Go!" With a battle cry we charge at one another; Beast Boy, Raven, and Starfire flying behind us. Robin jumps up and lands a kick on Cinderblock's temple, which spins him around. Starfire shoots a large, green starbolt that hits the villain in the back.

Cyborg aims a right hook and even though Cinderblock stops it with his own fist, the giant still staggers back. Beast Boy-in hawk form-dives in and rakes his talons across the villain. I appear out of thin air and throw a punch, which makes the concrete giant stumble back into a corner. Raven levitates a section of the floor, tilting it up until it stands as a wall. She levitates out of the way right before he crashes through the barrier, then flies away as Robin, Cyborg, Starfire, and I rush him.

Cinderblock backhands the three of us, missing only Starfire. I land on my back and roll onto my feet to see the redhead throw a couple of starbolts. The villain grabs her and pulls her close and a lopsided smile appears on her face.

"I am sorry to disappoint you, but I am stronger than I look," the redhead says. She kicks him, forcing him to back into a corner. Beast Boy swoops in again and hits the ground, transforming into a t-rex. I jump up and move out of the way of the shapeshifter as he charges. Cinderblock holds his ground and knocks him into the air with a left hook.

"Azarath Metrion-" Raven cuts herself off with a gasp as Beast Boy's shadow falls over her. The shapeshifter screams as he changes back to human form and lands on top of the half-demon. I cover my mouth to stifle a cackle as he sits up and shakes his head.

"Heh, watch out for falling dinosaurs?" the green teen jokes nervously. Raven gives him a glare and blows a stray hair out of her face. "I'm gonna leave you alone now," he says and rushes off. Cinderblock chuckles to himself and starts to cross the room when I make a wall appear in front of him.

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