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Fireworks explode in the sky in front of our seats in the Ferris Wheel. Occasionally making my ears ring from their volume. Robin lays his left arm on the back of the seat, right behind me.

"I'm kinda surprised you came. Usually you're too busy with trying to take over the world and causing trouble," the Boy Wonder teases as he looks (up/down/straight) at me.

"Well, you know I'll always stop what I'm doing for you," I purr and snuggle closer to the hero, causing a blush to rise to his cheeks.

The black haired male makes an embarrassed noise and holds up a surgery confection with his free hand. "Uh... Cotton candy?" I hum and pull off a little tuft, popping it into my mouth as a bright flash and a loud boom catch our attention. "Here comes the finale! Yes!"

Several fireworks fly up rapidly and explode in bright colors, before fizzling away to nothing. As the show slows down, Robin cheers and relaxes back into his seat. I snicker at his excitement and snuggle back into his side.

"So... is this our first date?" I ask, startling the black haired male. " 'cause I have been waiting a long time for you to ask." Robin's face heats up as I lean closer.

"Really?" I nod my head and slide even closer. Our noses just brush when a silver spacecraft suddenly sweeps past the Ferris Wheel; blowing a gust of wind between us and yanking Starfire from her spot floating beside the attraction. "Starfire!" The Boy Wonder jumps from the Ferris Wheel and lands near the rest of the Titans who are playing carnival games.

"Great," I huff and follow after him.

"Titans! Trouble!" Robin exclaims as I land beside him.

"Where's Starfire?" Cyborg asks.

"That's the trouble." Robin runs off to the end of the pier with the rest of us on his tail. We look over the bay and see a long metal object plummet straight toward the water. Starfire-now free-flies across the surface with the craft right on her heels. She looks back over her shoulder and dodges a tentacle.

Turning onto her back, she throws a couple of starbolts that hit the UFO without effect.

"No more chasing now, please!" Starfire exclaims and flips forward again. She heads toward the pier and flies right past us; the pursuer doing the same.

"Who's her new best friend?" Beast Boy asks.

"Don't know but I can't wait to meet him," Robin says as he cracks his knuckles. Starfire loops around the Ferris Wheel and back to us, stopping right behind me. My eyes glow neon (f/c) as I make the wooden planks curl up towards the craft but it flies right through the illusion. A scowl makes its way to my face as Beast Boy leaps up and turns into an alligator. The green male bites at the probe but misses.

Raven levitates a nearby hot dog cart and heaves it at the oncoming UFO, which crashes right through it. As the thing races past Cyborg, he grabs the tentacles. Ever so slowly, he is dragged forward before bringing the craft to a stop.

"Don't know what you did to make this thing mad, Star, but it couldn't hurt to apologize," the mechanical male grunts.

"I am... sorry?" Starfire says in confusion. The tentacles yank themselves out of the mechanical male's grip and Robin pulls out his staff. He extends it and jumps, hitting the probe on the nose and sending the metal object into the water.

"So... did we just win?" Beast Boy asks as he stares over the railing.

"I hope so," I grumble, annoyed that I can't do much. The UFO bursts up through the planks beside me and I cover my head as Robin leaps onto the nose.

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