Date with Destiny

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"Range to target?" Robin says into the mic in his red motorcycle helmet. The wind chills my skin as he and I fly down the street on the R-cycle.

"Five hundred and closing," Cyborg states. "Should have a visual any-"

"There he is!" Starfire exclaims.

"Correction. There it is," Raven says. We stop at a jewelry store with a teenage male standing in front of the broken display window. The male turns to face us with several bracelets in hand. I grimace as I notice he has a whole spider for a head.

The T-car pulls up-with Cyborg and Raven in the front seats-and Starfire and Beast Boy land beside it and the R-cycle. The spider guy lifts onto the spider legs attached to his head and pulls out a green gun. A purple blast shoots from the gun and everyone scatters. The spider guy leaps up onto the roof of a building and takes off down the street. Starfire flies ahead and fires a starbolt which lands right behind the thief.

The guy jumps across the street and onto the face of the opposite building. Robin pushes a button on the handlebars and two little panels flip up on the front of the R-cycle and begin firing little blue beams; all of which miss. The T-car pulls ahead and fires a little missal, which lands behind the thief. The spider guy jumps up and spits a web from his mouth, hitting Beast Boy and sticking him to a wall. The spider guy spews several more webs at Starfire, but the redhead dodges with a few evasive maneuvers.

The thief creates a web wall between two lampposts and black energy surrounds a chunk of the street. The chunk lifts up to create an incline and the T-car and R-cycle ramp over the webs, landing on the other side. My eyes glow as a crack runs up the wall of a building and after the spider guy. The thief jumps out of the way, before the trench can swallow him. As he's in the air, the spider guy spits webs at Robin and I.

The Boy Wonder swerves the motorcycle and the web hits the street beside us. The thief also spits a web at the T-car which coats the windshield.

"I can't see!" Cyborg exclaims. He skids out of the way as Robin and I pass. The thief whirls around and spits a web at Starfire, which hits and sticks her to the sidewalk. The spider guy turns a corner with the Boy Wonder and I right on his tail. The thief climbs over a parked car in the wide alley and onto the highway.

The couple making out inside the car peek out the windows in confusion. Just as the two go back to kissing, Robin drives the R-cycle up and over the car. As we soar through the air, and over the highway, he fires his grappling hook. As the Boy Wonder jumps off the motorcycle and swings after the spider guy, I slide forward and press a button on the R-cycle's handlebars. Four rockes pop out on either side of the wheels and allow it to float down to the ground on the other side of the highway.

Once I touch down I speed after the two males who are swinging over the buildings. I drive up below the two as Robin jumps at the spider guy as he scales a building. The thief whips around and shoots a purple beam, which causes the Boy Wonder to freeze up and fall.

"Robin!" Starfire and I shout in sync. The redhead swoops in and catches the Boy Wonder just before he can hit the ground and flies him over to the rest of the Titans. I stop the R-cycle by the rest of the team as Starfire sets Robin down. The black haired male stays in the same position from when he was falling.

"He is okay?" the redhead asks.

"He will be," Cyborg states. "The venom's effect is only temporary."

"Getting away... we have to... go after him!" Robin grunts out through gritted teeth. The black haired boy suddenly starts to tip forward but I keep him from falling over.

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