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A metal wall explodes, creating a cloud of smoke which several Slade bots step through. A birdarang goes flying at one of the bots, ripping off the outer layer of the left side of its face. The birdarang comes flying back and Robin catches it.

"Tell Slade the Titans have a message for him," the Boy Wonder says.

"Eat dirt!" Terra exclaims. Her hands glow yellow as several boulders lift from the ground and fly at the bots, crushing several of them.

"Titans! Go!" My eyes glow as the curled edges of the wall around the hole reach out and wrap around several Slade bots, crushing them as it rolls back up. A group of robots surrounds me and pulls out their laser guns.

"That seems a little unfair, don't you think?" I say. One of the bots fires and it goes right through me, hitting the robot directly across. I smirk and split into five. Each copy lunges at one of the eight bots. The three unoccupied Slade bots fire at my doubles, but only succeed at taking out the other robots.

I appear between two of the last three and they both turn and fire, taking each other out. The last bot looks around in panic as me and all my copies disappear. With a thunk, the last bot drops as I appear from behind and hit it. A bot flies past me as Robin kicks it in the face and flips backwards before pulling out his staff. Another Slade bot jumps at me, but I spin and kick it in the head.

My eyes glow as several more of my clones appear behind me and attack the remaining robots. Most of the bots destroy each other, but some get taken out by the Titans in their distraction.

"Done with that," Cyborg says as he dusts off his hands.

"Now to celebrate with pizza!" Beast Boy exclaims.

"Let's not have the meat or no-meat argument again," Raven says.


Several pizza boxes lay empty on the floor of the Titans Tower common room, leaving only one slice left.

"And the last slice of pizza goes to..." Cyborg announces and spins the pizza box. The slice stops spinning, pointing at the blonde. "Terra!" The Titans cheer and congratulate her as the metal male hands over the slice. "Just a rookie, and already you're an MVP holding the coveted Four-Cheese Trophy. Terra, the world wants to know. How does it feel?"

Cyborg holds his hand out like he's holding a microphone.

"Um... good... and kinda greasy," the blonde says.

"Seriously, Terra, great job tonight. We're glad to have you on the team," Robin says.

"And we are most mirthful to claim you as our friend," Starfire says.

"Yeah. What they said," Raven adds. I flip to the next page in my (magazine/book/sketchbook) and shoot the blonde a thumbs up.

"Thanks, guys, really, for everything," Tera says as she rubs her arm. "But you shouldn't. I'm just doing my job, you know? No big deal."

"Well, it's a big deal to us. Good friends don't come along every day, you know?" Beast Boy says. Cyborg heads over to the elevator and places his hand on a scanner beside it. A screen pops up above the scanner, showing the schematics of the tower.

"All right, y'all. Titans Tower is locked up and Cyborg's shutting down," the mechanical male says with a yawn.

"We should all get some sleep," Robin says as he stands up from the floor. "We may have stopped Slade tonight, but we need to figure out what he's planning tomorrow." My nose scrunches at the thought of having to deal with the masked man some more.

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