Don't Change that Dial

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(F/I)= Flowy Item of clothing


The sound of muffled thumping against the punching bag in the gym echoes back to my ears as I stand in the doorway. Robin pounds against the cloth covered bag with his back facing me. The bag swings a little each time his fist meets it with a dulled thud and I watch on with an amused look. My eyes can't help but trail over his arms as he brings them back to get ready for the next punch.

"If I didn't know any better I'd say you were training for something," I joke as I step closer to Robin.

"And I'd assume you were practicing sneaking around for something. I didn't even hear you come in," the Boy Wonder states as he turns to face me. He picks up a towel to wipe off sweat as I step up in front of him.

"Years of stealing does that to you. Besides, you never know where it'd come in handy."

"Like sneaking up on your boyfriend?" A happy chill goes up my spine and butterflies flitter in my stomach at the 'b' word. Boyfriend.

"More like taking over the world."

"You're still on that?" An odd, bitter feeling settles in my stomach at his question.

"What made you think otherwise?"

"You haven't been doing much stealing or planning recently."

I cross my arms over my just and shrug. "I've just been trying to keep your guard down."

"Really?" No.


"Then I guess I'll have to keep you pretty distracted from your plans."

"Oh? Distracted how?"

A smirk quirks up the edge of Robin's lips. "Lots of dates." A grin stretches across my face and I step towards the black haired male.

"Well, I was just about to get started on the next phase of my plan so... now would be a good time to be distracting." Robin chuckles and wraps his arms around my waist. My cheeks begin to ache from smiling, but I ignore it and brush my nose over his. A sense of euphoria fills my chest as I inhale the smell of hair gel, sweat, and whatever soft material his mask is made of. Just before our lips can touch an alarm goes off and the room flashes red. "I think that can wait."

Robin's smile widens out of amusement and he leans in, pressing our lips together.

"Okay, now we need to go." I pout, but pull back with a dramatic sigh.

"If you say so." The Boy Wonder takes my hand and leads me out of the gym and into the hall.

"In here! Hurry! Now!" Beast Boy shouts as he jumps around in the doorway of the common room with wide eyes. Both Robin and I lose the giddy feelings and share a serious look.

"Beast Boy, what's the problem?" the Boy Wonder asks.

"Control Freak has taken over our TV!" the shapeshifter shouts and points at the window screen. The only thing shown is some old guy in a boat, fishing.

"Um..." Cyborg trails off.

"Dude. Where did he go? He was right there with the big face and..." Beast Boy grabs the remote and frantically switches through channels, searching for the nerdy criminal. I turn towards Robin and twirl my finger by my head to indicate that the shapeshifter has lost his mind.

"Uh, Beast Boy. Maybe you've just been watching a little too much television," the Boy Wonder says with a gentle smile.

"Yeah, man. When was the last time you turned off the tube?" Cyborg asks.

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