Hide and Seek

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TW: couple mentions of vomiting. Children in danger.


I tap my foot impatiently against the dirt ground in front of the train station. The only thing for miles is the train tracks and trees. I look around at the mountains and the half-demon beside me. This is such a waste of my time.

Raven looks down the road and I follow her gaze. There's no one coming up or down the road, just like thirty minutes ago when we got here. Looking irked, Raven pulls out her communicator.

"Raven calling Robin, over," the half-demon says.

"Robin's communicator," Beast Boy answers. "May I help you?"

"Beast Boy, put Robin on."

"He's fighting crime at the moment. Perhaps I can be of assistance."

"We're at the train station and no one's here. Is this the right place?"

"Yep, that's the pickup spot."

"Are we here at the right time?" I hiss through my teeth.

"They should be there."

"What if they don't show?" Raven asks. "Are we supposed to just hang around here in the middle of nowhere, forever?"

"Stay put. Robin's trusting you two to meet that team and take them to the place the Brotherhood of Evil can't get to them." I shift my weight with an annoyed groan. Where you guys think the Brotherhood can't get to them. With that, Raven puts away her communicator, leaving us in awkward silence once more.


My stomach knots with dread but I move my gaze to the half-demon. "So?" Luckily, before Raven can try to continue this conversation a bus pulls up in front of us. It's tires kick up a cloud of dust which hangs around even after it stops. The two of us see no one get on or off the vehicle before it pulls away again. Are you joking?

I stare in confusion at the slowly shrinking bus, until something tugs on my (pants/shorts/skirt). I look down to see a little blonde girl with pigtails.

"Are you Raven?" a little redheaded boy asks as he pulls on Raven's cloak. He's young enough that he pronounces his 'r' like a 'w'.

"You've gotta be kidding," the half-demon groans. While she pulls back out her communicator to complain, the little girl and I continue to stare at each other. Her big eyes feel like they're staring into my soul but I refuse to look away.

"Are you Hypno?" she asks with a questioning tilt of her head.


The little blonde steps closer to me and cups a hand around her mouth so I can hear her whisper. "Are you really a bad guy?" I tenses up as a feeling of worry comes over me. My eyes quickly jump around her pudgy little face, searching for any sign that she knows about my betrayal.

Her eyes shine with curiosity, not fear or knowing. And she's way too relaxed. Maybe it's actually Madam Rouge in disguise. I shake off the thought.

"You bet." She looks shocked for a moment before smiling in amusement. She probably thinks I'm joking. She lets go of my (pants/shorts/skirt) and turns to Raven.

"Are you gonna help us lady?"

"Which one are you?" Raven sighs.


"Melvin, huh? You're the leader of this team?"

The little blonde shrugs. "I guess. They're always following me around."

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