Homecoming Part 1

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Unfortunately I didn't save the published version of this chapter either, so if you've read the original version, then it's gonna be different.


I flip a page in my (magazine/book/sketchbook). The hobby item is resting in my lap and I look up ever now and then at our resident shapeshifter sitting in a bathtub in the common room. None of us are really paying attention to Beast Boy's "comedy show" except for Starfire who's finding every joke hilarious. Raven reads-as per usual-Cyborg's nodding off, and Robin is asleep.

"I know what you're thinking," Beast Boy says. "There's nothing more annoying than when you can't play your tuba in the bathtub."

"More annoying than this?" Raven asks without looking up from her book.

Starfire shushes the half-demon before eagerly turning back to the green male. "Please, continue."

"Well, that won't be a problem if you have a tuborkel," Beast Boy says with a big grin as he holds up a modified tuba. "Get it? It's part tuba, part snorkel. Tuborkel. Huh? Well?"

"Top tier comedy," I snark as I shoot the shapeshifter an amused smirk. The room suddenly lights up red and the intruder alert goes off. Both Cyborg and Robin jolt wide awake from the loud sound.

"Alright!" the mechanical Titan cheers as he jumps up. "We're under attack!" Beast Boy shoots him a glare while I hold back a laugh. I set my (magazine/book/sketchbook) on the dining table before stepping around it. A floating, metal sphere with a screen on it comes through the door to the common room and we all prepare for it to attack.

The device doesn't make a move and instead just floats where it stopped. Cyborg leans towards Robin. "So, uh... why isn't it attacking?"

"Because it's for me," Beast Boy states dully. We all relax from our fight stance as the green male steps around us. We all silently watch as he stops in front of the sphere, which scans him.

A man in a purple hat with antennae pops up on the screen. "Beast Boy. If this locator pod has found you, then you know what it means."

"The Doom Patrol's in trouble."


Massive trees pass below us as we fly over the jungle in the T-ship while the message from the drone replays over our headsets.

"Our last location was in the Amazon Jungle. You should begin your search there. Beast Boy, you know what must be done. I'm counting on you."

"What could have happened to them?" Robin asks as the message finishes.

"It's The Brotherhood of Evil. After we stopped their black hole machine years ago, they went underground. Mento must have finally found them."

"Hey, guys. I'm picking something up," Cyborg announces. The T-ship lands in a little clearing and we all get out. Even though there's so much shade the air still feels humid and hot. It makes my uniform stick to my skin.

Robin leads us into the trees with a birdarang in hand. He slices through foliage as we make our way deeper into the jungle. The Boy Wonder slices through some vines blocking our way. As they fall to the ground a gasp runs through the group. A decrepit jet sits covered in vines, fallen leaves and a thick layer of dust.

"Beast Boy," Starfire starts, "is this-"

"The Doom Patrol's ship," Beast Boy finishes. His voice sounds monotone and cold. "Or what's left of it."

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