The Apprentice Part 1

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Robin jolts up from his mattress, his pillow and bedsheets moist with sweat. He stares down the door as it slides open and Cyborg and I peek in.

"It's him. It's Slade," the mechanical teen states. I give the Boy Wonder a nervous look as his jaw clenches and his eyebrows furrow. The door slides shut as Cyborg heads back to the common area and I step into Robin's bedroom. I turn my back to the Boy Wonder as he steps out of bed and gets dressed.

"You're not gonna do what you did last time, right?" I ask.

"No. I won't," Robin says.

"Good." I turn to face the, now costumed, Boy Wonder, "because I wouldn't want you doing something stupid." I go to leave the room but hesitate by the doorway. I take a breath to stop myself from looking back and continue to the common room.


"Good morning, Teen Titans. I do hope I didn't wake you," Slade says as he's shown on the window screen.

"What are you, an insomniac?" Beast Boy asks as he lets out a yawn, "Who calls at five in the morning-" Raven elbows the shapeshifter to cut him off.

"What do you want?" Robin growls.

"Well, that's precisely what you've been trying to find out, isn't it? And in spite of all your efforts, you're still in the dark about my intentions. Disappointing, Robin. I expected a little more from you," Slade says.

"Like I care what you-!"

"But since you've been unable to discover my plan, I suppose I'll just have to reveal it myself." The masked criminal turns the camera to show two Slade bots standing by a large tarp, "I'm sure you're all familiar with the concept of a chronoton detonator." Under the tarp is a plain looking piece of machinery with two red lights on the front. The machinery extends upwards to reveal more lights and the circuitry. My eyes widen as a quiet gasp leaves my lips.

"No way!... Um, what's a crouton detonator?" Beast Boy asks.

"It eradicates all chronitons within a localized area, utterly destroying the temporal component of the space-time continuum," Starfire explains.


"It stops time. Permanently," Raven states. The shapeshifter yelps and collapses to the floor.

"If he triggers that thing downtown, it'll freeze-frame the entire city," Cyborg gasps.

"Tell me where!" Robin shouts.

"You're a clever boy, Robin. I'm sure you and your little friends can figure it out. However, since I control the detonation, time is not on your side," Slade says as he holds up the trigger. The transmission shuts off and Robin slams his fist on the keyboard, causing us all to jump.

"Fan out! Find it! Shut it down!" The Boy Wonder turns to storm out the door but Beast Boy and Cyborg block his path.

"Hey, uh, maybe you should stay here and coordinate the search," Beast Boy says as he wrings his hands.


"Man, when it comes to Slade, you've got issues," Cyborg states, "Might be better for the team if you sit this one out."

"No. There's too much at stake for me to-"

"Robin..." Starfire calls, "We have not forgotten the last time you faced-"

"I made a mistake, Starfire. It won't happen again. I can handle it. I promise."

"Would you at least like to know where to look?" Raven asks. We all turn to face the half-demon who has the recorded transmission back up. "Slade gave us more information than he realized." She zooms in on the top of the chronoton detonator, "Here, in this reflection."

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