Can I Keep Him?

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"Okay, team," Robin says as we all stand in the elevator heading to the common room. We just got finished with losing Johnny Rancid and destroying his big robotic dog. "Johnny Rancid's still on the loose. I'll check the scanners while-huh?" The Boy Wonder gets cut off by the sight of the common room. I bring my hand over my mouth as my eyes slip over all the tossed around and torn up furniture. Um...

"Oh, dude," Beast Boy gasps.

"There was a party and we were not invited?" Starfire asks as she heads to the food covered kitchen.

"A party? More like a tornado," Robin says as he walks around the couch, which has chunks torn out of it.

"A tornado with teeth," Raven adds.

"Did Larry come to visit again?" I ask as I shoot Robin a suspicious look.

"Yo, who's been chewing on my game station?!" Cyborg exclaims as he holds up the broken controller.

"Hypno and I will track down Rancid, you guys track down whatever did this," Robin commands as he pulls a slice of pizza off the monitor in front of the window screen. The three Titans nod before heading out of the common room.

"Based on the fact that we destroyed his dog, I'd say he's at the junkyard building a new one," I say.

"Can't hurt to check." The black haired male sits down in front of the monitor and pulls up security feed of the junkyard.

"Where else?" I look down at Robin as a look of concentration takes over his face. He pulls up feed of several alleys, warehouses, and hardware stores.

"We'll get an alert if any cameras pick up Johnny."

"What will we do till then?" I ask.

"See if we can find him first."


Robin and I return to the tower once the sun has already set, only to see Starfire flying around the common room with the lights off.

"Here, Silkie," the redhead whispers. "Here, Silkie, Silkie. Your kanorfka wishes to locate you."

"Starfire?" Robin calls, causing the female to shriek. "Um, where's the sofa?" The Boy Wonder holds up a black chunk that was once part of the now missing couch.

"Uh, your earthly ways are strange. Please, what is this 'sofa' of which you speak?" Before either of us can answer, the redhead zooms back to the doorway leading to the bedrooms before leaving. Robin and I share a confused look before turning back to the door Starfire disappeared through.

"Well she's definitely hiding something," I state.


A high pitched scream echoes though the tower, causing me to jump and drop my (magazine/book/sketchbook). I jump off my bed and sprint down to the storage room, meeting the rest of the Titans on the way.

"Cyborg!" Robin shouts as we burst into the room. My eyes widen as a massive light yellow and pink larvae lays by the robotic male, chewing on his detached leg. The larvae swallows the leg and shoots Cyborg a happy smile.

"Oh man. Gimme my foot so I can kick your butt!" the metal Titan shouts and hops over to the rest of us before pointing his sonic cannon at the worm. Cyborg topples over and lets off a blast, which causes a chunk of the ceiling to land on the larvae's head.

"And now you've made it angry," I groan. The yellow worm shoots us a glare and lunges at Cyborg, who gets swept away by Beast Boy. The larvae spits a magenta goo at the pterodactyl, causing him and Cyborg to fall through the air. Robin jumps onto the worms back and grabs it by the antennas, only to be thrown into a pile of crates. My eyes glow (f/c) and an overhead vent rips itself from the ceiling before trapping the massive worm to the ground. Raven floats up behind me and launches several boxes.

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