Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo

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Thank you to everyone who has so patiently waited for updates on this book. And thank you everything who followed this book here from my original account.

(c/c) = Costume Color


The cold, wet feeling of paint spreads over my nails as Starfire applies the final layer of (f/c) nail polish. She has a grin on her face as she closes up the little glass bottle. Her green nails have a glossiness to them from not being fully dry and they stand out like emeralds in the void against the black top of the nail polish bottle. I gently set my hands down flat against the dining table to inspect them and allow them to dry.

"Does the quality please you?" the redhead asks. The grin seems to have grown on her face and I can't help but mimic it.

"It looks great, Starfire. Thank you." With a giggle the Tameranean stands up and flies off to put away the little bottles. She passes by Cyborg and Beast Boy loudly playing a racing game on the window screen in the common room. The two males shove each other like it will effect their position on the digital track. Then Starfire passes Raven who floats off to the side, meditating.

The only one not here... is Robin. My chest tightens at the thought of the masked teenager. Things have been awkward between us since I was allowed back on the team a few months ago. Every time we're left alone, somehow we end up tripping over each other and just getting in the way. We also haven't had a proper conversation since everything with the Brotherhood of Evil.

But I have managed to patch things up with everyone else. Cyborg and I are cooking together again; Raven and I will sit together, usually while she reads or meditates and I (read/draw/write); Beast Boy and I will go to the movies and he's even convinced me to play video games with him; and Starfire and I will paint our nails, do each other's hair, or train together. She's much stronger than I've given her credit for.

Suddenly the room flashes red. The blaring sound of the alarm echoes through the building and puts all of us on alert.

One of the doors at the side of the common room slides open and Robin steps out. "Titans, we've got trouble."


From a rooftop we stare down at a half cyan, half magenta man as he causes chaos in the streets of Jump City. He throws colorful smoke bombs left, right and center, causing the civilians to panic and run. Honestly I don't think he could've made a bigger scene if he tried.

A birdarang glints in the sun as it flies into my vision and knocks a smoke bomb out of the troublemaker's hand. Beside me, Beast Boy changes into a hawk and follows the weapon. He lets out a piercing cry and nearly takes the criminal's head off, but the man ducks.

With a boom Cyborg fires his sonic cannon. One of Starfire's starbolts and some of Raven's magic follows. The criminal simply leaps over the blue blast, as well as the other two attacks. A strong gust of wind shoves the half and half man backwards as my eyes turn (f/c).

He gets pushed off his feet but flips around and catches onto a light pole, which he climbs on top of as the illusion dies off. Beast Boy lands beside me as he shifts back to his human form.

The birdarang comes back into view as it flies back to its owner, who calmly catches it above his head. "Since you're new in town, we're going to make this very simple."

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