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"I've reduced the injury to a minor fracture," Raven says as her hands hover over the cast on Robin's arm as he sits on the couch, "but you're still gonna need that cast for a few weeks."

"I don't believe this! How could I make such a stupid mistake?" the Boy Wonder exclaims as Raven finishes.

"Johnny Rancid was egging you on," I state as I sit beside Robin. "How were you supposed to know that chasing him up the supports of the bridge would lead to you crashing and nearly blowing yourself up?"

"Please. No more Robin yelling at Robin," Starfire says as the rest of the Titans crowd around the couch.

"Yeah, man, stop kicking yourself. Accidents happen," Cyborg states.

"Not to me, they don't," Robin says as he lowers his head.

"Dude, I know just how to cheer you up!" Beast Boy exclaims as he jumps over the back of the couch and lands on the other side of the Boy Wonder. "We all have to sign your..." The green male stops when he sees the annoyed look on Robin's face. "Or not?"

"Look, guys," the black haired male says as he stands from the couch and steps forward. "Thanks for the concern, but-"

"NO!" the Titans shouts. I flinch as they all jump on the Boy Wonder, tackling him back to his seat.

"You are in no condition to continue pursuing the Johnny Rancid!" Starfire exclaims.

"I know. I was just reaching for the remote."

"You mean...?" Beast Boy starts as everyone gets up.

"You're not gonna be all crazy determined?" Cyborg questions.

"And insist that you are fine when you clearly are not?" Starfire adds.

"And yell at us for trying to make you stay home?" Raven finishes. An amused snort leaves my throat, but gets cut short by Robin standing up.

"You guys can handle Rancid without me," the Boy Wonder says as he grabs the remote and heads over to the window. "With this on my arm, I'd probably just mess up again. Go. Take him down. I'll be just fine by my-" The Boy Wonder suddenly tenses and drops the remote as he turns away from us.

Everyone lets out a sound of concern as Robin cries out in pain. I jump off the couch and grab the black haired male by his shoulders.

"Woah," I say as a massive lump forms on Robin's forehead and splits off, landing on the ground. The lump turns into a chubby, miniature, buck toothed copy of the Boy Wonder.

"Yaaaay!" the double cheers. "I made it! Robin! Hi!" Beast Boy's and Cyborg's jaws drop as a shocked look appears on my face.

"Didn't see that coming," Raven says.

"Who are you?" Robin asks.

"I'm, uh... I'm you!" the copy exclaims.


A graphic of Robin and his copies DNA appears on the window screen and overlaps. A flashing red sign saying 'MATCH' pops up.

"DNA's identical," Cyborg states. "Little dude was right. He really is you."

"We're DNA buddies! Yaaaay!" the copy cheers.

"You've got to be kidding," Robin says as we watch the defective copy run around the kitchen. He pulls open drawers and tosses everything in them onto the floor.

"Hey! You're making a mess!" Beast Boy shouts. The copy ignores the shapeshifter and runs over to the couch before taking a huge bite out of it. He lets out a laugh and shoots to the other side of the room, before flying past us on a thick book.

The Anti-Villain | Robin Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now