The Quest

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Trigger Warning: little bit of Hypno being stalked/watched


A loud giggle leaves my lips as Robin does several tricks on the roof of the building we're standing on. This part of town is classical in style, with bright red curved roofs and white paper walls. Robin does a back flip and pushes off the roof and into the air before doing one more flip and landing on his feet.

"I have to say, that's always entertaining," I state. "One day you're gonna have to teach me all your acrobatic tricks."

"Maybe I will." Robin steps back towards me and I wrap my arms around his neck. I brush my nose against his and goosebumps rise on my skin. The black haired male wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me close as a small, peaceful smile lights up his face. The chilly night air feels like nothing compared to the comforting warmth of Dick's arms.

The sound of glass breaking jolts us apart. We look down over the edge of the bright red roof and see a muscular, bald man breaking into the antique store across the street.

"You stay here. I got this," Robin says and places a lingering peck on my lips.

"You're just planning on showing off. Don't think I can't see right through you," I tease. The Boy Wonder flashes me a smirk before jumping off the roof and onto the sidewalk below. I watch Robin sneak into the shop behind the thief and catch his attention. Through the window I watch the thief kick a large pot at the Boy Wonder, who catches it.

The man swings a few times with the golden staff he's stolen and knocks Robin off balance. He breaks through the glass of the window while the teenage hero tries to keep the heavy pot from hitting the ground. The thief takes off down the street and once Robin sets down the pot, he follows. I head after the two and move along the roofs of the short buildings. The two males turn down an alley and the thief leaps up the side of one of the surrounding buildings.

Robin follows using his grappling hook and the two run and leap across the roofs. By the time I catch up, the two are facing off on a balcony. The thief swings around on his staff and kicks Robin through the paper wall of the next building over. As I jump onto the roof of the building Robin landed in, the thief disappears with a smoke bomb. I swing into the hole in the wall and land right in front of Robin.

"Are you okay?" I ask. The black haired male scowls and looks away from me as he gets onto his feet. "Robin?"

"I'm fine." I step aside with a sigh and the Boy Wonder leaps back out of the hole in the paper wall. I rub my forehead with a groan and turn to follow after him. So much for a nice date night.


I watch Robin pack weapons into a red backpack as I stand in the corner of his plain room. Well, it's plain now that all the papers about Slade are gone and packed away. I glance from the corner of my eye as the door to his room slides open to reveal the rest of the Titans standing there in the hallway.

"You are leaving us?" Starfire asks as she and the others step into the gloomy feeling room.

"I have to," Robin says and grabs his staff.

"Dude, you got your butt kicked. It happens," Beast Boy says, causing me to sigh and close my eyes. "It doesn't mean you have to quit. I'm actually kinda surprised Hypno hasn't gone on a rampage about this." My eyes fly open and I shoot the green male a harsh glare.

"I'm not quitting the team, but my fight with Kotaro showed me how much I still have to learn about martial arts," Robin states.

"No problem, I can help you train," Cyborg says excitedly. "I got a new computer simulated fight sequence in the gym."

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