Calling All Titans

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The ocean shimmers below the T-ship as we fly over it. After getting the kids to another safe house Raven and I met back up with everyone else. I've felt sick to my stomach since we last saw Mallah and I haven't been able to shake it. It only got worse when I saw the other Titans. We've been flying for a few hours now and I can't help but be deathly quiet the whole time.

"Finally, after months of fighting the Brotherhood of Evil, we're heading back to the tower," Beast Boy sighs from his cockpit. "First I'll play Mega Monkeys 4.2, then I'll eat a tofu burger. Or maybe I'll eat a tofu burger and then play Mega Monkeys 4.2. Or I could eat a tofu burger while playing Mega Monkeys 4.2."

"Sorry, Beast Boy, but that tofu burger will have to wait," Robin announces. "We've got one last mission before we can go home. The Brotherhood of Evil is targeting young heroes." My chest tightens at his words, but I can't dwell on it for long as a little compartment in my dashboard opens up and a Titans branded communicator comes out. "There are still others who need to be warned."

"Haven't we already given these to everyone we know? Titans East have them, Kole, Gnark, Kid Flash, Tram the fish boy, the Russian dude-"

"Not everyone. Your coordinates have been programmed into your pods. We'll meet back here once they're all delivered and fly home together."

"Can't we just send them a letter instead?"

"If we split up we can get this done faster."

"And the faster we finish, the faster we can go home," Cyborg says.

"Maybe it's better if we stick together," Beast Boy says with an edge of unease. "I've been fighting those guys for most of my life and I'm telling you, you can't underestimate The Brotherhood of Evil's evilness."

"What happened to being excited to go back to the tower?" I ask. Even though I try to push a teasing edge into my tone it still comes out lamely.

"This is the best way," Robin says.

"Robin is correct," Starfire says. "I wish to make with the haste so I can see Silkie."

"Let's just get this over with," Raven says.

"Once the Titans and honorary Titans are connected, we'll be ready and if anything goes wrong, I'm just a call away," Robin says. "Titans, separate." My pod jerks a little as we all disconnect. Through the near 180-degree view of my windshield I see each of the Titans fly off in different directions. The screen on my dash lights up with a map of the planet before zooming in on the northwest of the United States.


The sky is near pitch black by the time I make it to the coordinates. It's strange flying from one side of the world to the other and being able to see time change.

I land in a large grassy area, barren of trees or anything else that grows above a few inches. Ahead of me is rows upon rows of solar panels. The crackle of electricity draws me through the maze of renewable resources. Then I hear the sound of something glass breaking. As I round the end of one of the rows I see a group of guys smashing some of the solar panels with bats.

As one of the guys swings and breaks the corner off one of the panels, his buddies all laugh and cheer.

"You guys should all go home before you get in trouble," a male voice says. A teenage male with glowing blue skin steps into sight. He has neon pink lightning bolts patterned on his skin and his eyes remind me of Robin's mask. Definitely taller than the Boy Wonder though.

The group all turn towards the stranger and one of them lets out a laugh.

"Who are you supposed to be?" the guy asks.

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