Snow Blind

379 19 3

Fanart by KirbyIsGodHun


I zip up my thick winter coat with a scowl and step out of my cockpit of the T-ship. The snow crunches under my feet as the rest of the Titans exit the flying vehicle. Even with all the winter gear I can still feel the cold seeping in and making my bones ache. Just in front of us is a town full of destroyed buildings, all covered in a thick layer of snow.

"The signal we got must have been a distress call," Cyborg states as he stares at the destruction.

"We are too late," Starfire sighs sadly.

"So it was pointless to come here," I scoff. Everyone shoots me confused looks at my harsh words. "What?" Cyborg, Beast Boy, and Starfire immediately turn their gaze away.

"Fan out," Robin commands, ignoring my question. "We need to find someone who can tell us what happened."


Beast Boy, Robin and I all head down an empty street, searching for any sign of life.

"Can't we do this from inside the T-ship, where it's warm," Beast Boy groans.

"Why don't you just change into something that can withstand this weather and stop complaining," I scoff with a roll of my eyes. Hurt flashes on the shapeshifter's face before he changes into a polar bear.

"Over here!" Raven calls. Siting in front of her is a pile of rubble being used as a shelter for the town's people.

"It's safe now," Robin says in a soft voice as we all walk up. "You can come out."

"In this forsaken place, it is never safe," an old man says as he steps out of the rubble. He wears a coat with military pins on it.

"Who did this?"

"I dare not speak his name. He was once one of us. But now, he's an abomination. When he returns it is only to cause more suffering." As the man speaks the civilians come out of their hiding place.

"You 'dare not speak his name?' So how are we even supposed to find this guy if we don't know who he is?" I snap.

"It'll come back." I roll my eyes and notice a few people side eyeing me with caution while the rest of the Titans get greeted warmly. A little boy steps up to Starfire and stares at her in awe. Out of all of us, she's the only one not wearing winter gear. She doesn't need it apparently.

"She's not from around here," Raven says to the boy.

"Take, or you catch cold," an old woman says before handing the Tameranean a knitted hat.

"Don't expect that to come back in one piece, if it even comes back at all," I say.

"We will find the one who does this," Starfire says as she puts on the apparel. "He will be stopped." A massive bright red light appears in the distance and all the civilians back away in horror.

"It returns," the old military man says.

"Titans, let's move," Robin commands.


An annoyed groan leaves my lips as the T-ship jerks and jolts through the thickening snow storm.

"I've got zero visibility. Switching to instruments only," Cyborg announces through our headsets.

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