Wilting Cherry Blossoms

581 21 2

Fanart by KirbyIsGodHun

Tw: this chapter is a little gruesome. It's not explicit but there is mention of blood, a blood-like substance, and minor bodily harm.


We all stand on a large platform acting as an escalator inside the Tokyo Troopers' headquarters. A massive floor to ceiling window to our left shows some of the buildings outside as the rising sunlight floods over them. From here everything looks so small and insignificant as it sparkles in the early morning light. I'm sure it can make one feel powerful, being able to look down at everything around you.

"Tokyo is a unique city, my young friends, with its own unique dangers," Commander Uehara says, bringing my attention to his spot at the front of the rising platform. "Of course, I am sorry you had to learn this the hard way."

"We're used to danger, but we appreciate your help, Commander," Robin says with a warm smile.

"Commander?" The older man chuckles. "No, no, no, no. You may call me Daizo, hmm? We are friends. I will honor you with a tour of our headquarters and our home." The older man swings out one arm to gesture ahead of us. "I founded the Tokyo Troopers to help keep the city safe. We're not too different from you Titans. Except, we are all grownups."

Uehara turns away from us as the platform comes to a plateau and continues forward. On either side of the track is several small rising platforms being used as single person elevators. It makes the Troopers look like action figures on display.

Our platform moves through a set of double doors, which leads to a room two stories in height. On either sides of the track it almost looks like a narrow maze. Troopers drop down and run the tight obstacle course like rats searching for cheese. "My operation is a triumph of Japanese culture, technology, and design. Living units are efficient but comfortable. Hourly training sessions keep my Troopers in peak form." Our platform moves across a bridge. Below us are dozens of troopers going through martial arts forms.

After coming off the bridge we enter a tunnel which ends in a sliding doors. The platform comes to a stop as we enter the last room. Several monitors and control panels line the perimeter, with screens hanging above each of those. "My highly advanced command center has reduced crime in Tokyo by fifty percent. Not bad, hmm?" Uehara gestures for us to step further in, and most of the Titans do so with enthusiasm. Robin and I are the only ones who stay near the platform with the commander.

"With your permission, Daizo, I'd like to use this equipment to complete our mission," Robin says.

"Ahhh. Certainly, my young friend. And what, may I inquire, is your mission?" the commander asks as he raises an eyebrow.

"We're tracking a criminal who calls himself Brushogun." Uehara burst out with a laugh like that was the funniest joke he'd ever heard.

"Forgive me. But you are ignorant of our culture. Brushogun is an urban legend, a myth. I'm afraid you've come a long way for nothing. As you can see." He gestures to the screens which all display the troopers taking down lawbreaker after lawbreaker. "My Troopers have Tokyo's real criminals well under control."

"But Saico-Tek said—"

The commander's face goes blank. "I'm sorry, I don't know who that is. Someone is playing a trick on you, perhaps, hmm?" Robin's head tilts down as his eyebrows draw together, creating a wrinkle in his mask. A frown tugs at both the ends of his lips and my heartstrings.

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