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Beast Boy and I head down the hall to our separate rooms when Starfire flies past with two big, purple boxes on her shoulders.

"Uh, what is she doing?" I question as the rest of the Titans appear beside us. Starfire flies back into her room and comes out with a massive pile of her clothes.

"Uh, Starfire?" Cyborg calls.

"Huh?" the redhead responds without even looking at us.

"Going somewhere?" Beast Boy asks.

"I am leaving for Tamaran."

"And you're taking all your stuff, because?" Raven asks. Starfire stops with her back to us and looks sadly over her shoulder.

"I am not ever coming back," the redhead says with a sad smile.

"What?!" everyone shouts.

"Starfire, what's wrong?" Robin asks.

"Nothing is wrong," Starfire says. "I am... getting married."

"What?!" My eyes widen but I quickly compose myself.

"...I assume there's nothing we can say to stop you, right?" I ask and the redhead nods. "Then let us go with you. Let your future husband know what's up if he bothers you." Cyborg and Beast Boy smirk from beside me and pop their knuckles. The redhead gives me a confused look before smiling. We all help Starfire finish packing and load her stuff into the T-ship. "It'll be really weird to not have Starfire with us."

"Yeah," Robin sighs and we get into our individual cockpits.


I stare out the window of the ship as it flies past stars and other planets, going deeper into the never ending expanse of space. I take a shaky breath and dig my fingers into my seat. Flying is so not my thing.

"You're getting married?" Robin repeats in shock.

"Indeed and I can not wait to see Tamaran!" Starfire replies excitedly. "I have been having a bit of a sick home feeling and am eager to introduce my home-planet to you, my friends. First you must ingest the fresh squeezed glorg, or perhaps sputflinks, and wait until you see the portkins, they are as big as a flornop!"

"Um, am I the only one afraid of the big portkins?" Beast Boy asks.

"I'm terrified of everything that just came out of her mouth," I say.

"You're getting married?" Robin repeats again. I furrow my brows and shoot the Boy Wonder a confused look, but he keeps his eyes on Starfire.

"Yeah, uh, anyone we know?" Raven asks.

A blush appears on the redhead's cheeks as she fiddles with her fingers. "Oh, I have never met him. My betrothed has been chosen for me by the grand ruler of Tamaran."

"You're getting married and to someone you've never met?" Robin says.

"Of course, Robin. It is the way of my people."

"But, Starfire, you're-" A blast suddenly hits the T-sub, shaking it and changing our focus. Several green, bug-shaped ships fly at us, shooting red lasers.

"I don't suppose this is some sort of crazy Tamaranean welcome committee," Cyborg says and Starfire shakes her head in response.

"Whoever they are, they got us outnumbered ten to one," Raven states.

"Not for long," Robin says. "Titans! Separate!" Each cockpit separates and gains its own wings and gun. I shoot off and weave between several enemy spaceships.

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