Picolo Special

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This is based off of Picolo's modern Teen Titans drawings.

This chapter is more MATURE than all the others with characters drinking alcohol, slightly more sexual content, and actual depictions of minor injuries.

I'm also changing some things that were common in this book, like the way Starfire talks and that all the Titans are going to be referred to by their first names and not their aliases.



    "Gar, you're squishing me," Raven grunts as the green male steps up onto the bathroom counter. The shapeshifter presses himself against the half-demon's shoulder to keep from falling back onto the floor where he started, but it really just shoves Raven into Robin, and in turn, me.

     "It's fine," Garfield says as he wraps his right arm over her shoulder. Kory giggles behind me while I huff and look at our reflection in the large mirror in the small bathroom. You'd think converting a motel into a base would imply converting the bathrooms as well.

     Victor lifts the redheaded alien up by her waist so from her chest up can be seen over my head. She giggles again and holds up her phone with the pink case and space stickers.

      "You better not drop her on me," I say as I press myself into Dick's right side. The Boy Wonder chuckles and wraps his arm around my waist while holding his phone—with the Titans insignia on the case—in his left.

      "Say cheese," Dick says and lifts the phone to just below his chin. Kory holds up her phone and gets ready to snap a picture of her own.

     Victor sticks out his tongue. Gar closes his eyes and gives two hang-tight sighs with his hands—all while balancing on Raven's shoulder. The half-demon frowns and Dick smirks. I stare into the mirror through my eyelashes and allow my eyes to flash (f/c). With a quick click the two photographers snap their pictures.

     Victor sets down Kory as Gar gets off the counter, though he continues to hang off of Raven like she's his personal crutch.

     I look (over/around) Dick's shoulder as he types out 'party tonight' on top of the photo before posting it to his story. "And now we prepare."

     "I got the food!" Victor and Gar exclaim in sync. The two males shoot each other a competitive glare before both try to rush out of the bathroom to their cellphones. I snort as Victor squeezes out first and Gar lands on the floor with a yelp as the cyborg takes off to the living room.

     "And I guess that means we get to pick drinks," I say. Kory giggles again and leaves the bathroom with Raven on her heels. I go to follow the two but a hand wraps around my wrist and tugs me back. My (back/hips/thighs) meet the edge of the sink counter and my eyes lock on the domino mask still on Dick's face.

     "Where do you think you're going?" he asks, causing a mischievous smirk to curl my lips.

     "I'm sorry, I thought I was supposed to be helping set up for the party," I purr and rub my hands up his red and white letterman jacket until they reach the back of his neck. One hand reaches out to pull off the Boy Wonder's mask as his hands gently rub up and down my sides.

     He lifts me up onto the counter and I set his mask down on the edge of the sink as our noses brush. My gaze locks onto his blue eyes as a soft, loving look swirls in his partially lidded gaze. Dick leans forward and our lips meet.

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