Car Trouble

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"Drum roll, please!" Cyborg exclaims as he stands in front of a tarp covered object. Beast Boy turns into a lemur and pats on his stomach. "Ladies and gentlemen... and whatever Beast Boy is."

"Hey, Cyborg. You want a drum roll or not?" The shapeshifter scoffs.

"Sorry. It is my great pleasure to present, for the first time anywhere, the thing you've all been waiting for, my coolest, hottest, baddest creation-"

"Just get on with it," Raven groans.

"-I give you the future of Titans transportation, the one, the only..." he pulls the tarp away to reveal a white and blue, circuit detailed car, "T-CAR!" Beast Boy, Robin, and Starfire all ooh and awe. "Yep, she's my baby," Cyborg says as he pats the vehicle, "One-hundred-thousand-horsepower plasma-turbine engine, all-terrain hoverjets, antilock air brakes, and an onboard computer that links with my systems, so I can literally feel the road." Everyone continues to cheer in amazement, except for Raven and I.

The former is asleep on her feet. "And of course, leather seats, power windows, and a booming stereo are all standard." A giant speaker pops up from the top of the car and blows the three awed Titans back.

"Sweet!" Beast Boy cheers.

"Nice!" Robin shouts.

"It sings!" Starfire exclaims.

"Can we go now?" Raven asks.

"You bet, Raven. I'll take you anyplace you want to go," Cyborg says. Everyone exclaims in the same order as before.

"The beach!"

"The movies!"

"The swamp moons of Drenthax IV!" The two boys fall over at her exclamation, causing her to blush in embarrassment, "He said anyplace." Suddenly Robin's communicator goes off.


"I'll drive!" Cyborg exclaims, already sitting in the driver's seat. I roll my eyes before hopping into the back seat with Beast Boy, Raven, and Robin.


"Are we there yet?" Raven asks, causing Cyborg to grind his teeth as we drive around a bend.

"NO!" He shouts.

"So many fascinating buttons!" the redhead exclaims as she pushes on the console from the passengers seat, "Your baby is most entertaining... Ooooh!"

"Stop!... Don't!... Careful with... Not the ejector seat!... Would you cut it-" the windshield wipers start up and Starfire gasps.

"Look! They are dancing!" Cyborg doesn't respond out of disbelief, instead he glances at the rear view mirror.

"...Yo!" Beast Boy hangs out the back window in St. Bernard form. Drool flying everywhere as his tongue sways in the wind. "I know you're not drooling on my paint job."

"My bad," The shapeshifter chuckles shyly and returns to human form. I sigh and flip a page in my (magazine/book/sketchbook) as I lean against Robin's side. Cyborg turns off the windshield wipers and Starfire frowns.

"All right, y'all, hang on. Time to kick my baby into high gear and see what she can-"

"There! Stop the car!" The Boy Wonder shouts.

"Oh, man." People run screaming out of Cook's Electronics and the T-car skids to a stop right in front. Beast Boy pulls himself out of the vehicle and nearly falls to the pavement. Robin jumps out right after.

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