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~~~Robin's POV~~~

The bright blue light of the window screen lights up the dark room with security feed of Jump City. A digital clock on the left side of the screen changes to show it's twelve at night. The sound of the door sliding open behind me causes me to glance over my shoulder at whoever's interrupting.

"You still up?" Cyborg asks as he yawns and steps up behind me.

"I've got work to do." I turn back to the screen and Cyborg steps closer to see what I'm doing.

"Well, whatever you're looking for's probably asleep, like you should be. Lock down initiated." The metal male uses the hand scanner by the door to lock up the tower before leaving. I bring my hands back to rest in front of my mouth. He's right.

Nothing's gonna happen tonight. I stand up and shut off the security feed as I go to exit the ops room. I glance around the hall, hoping to spot a certain villainess wandering around in the dark. She's probably avoiding me if she is still up. I let out a tired sigh and rub my hands down my face as I head towards the basement door.

This isn't the first time we've argued but this is definitely the longest she's been mad at me. I grip at the fabric over my stomach as a knots forms at the thought of Hypno leaving and going back to Gotham.

~~~Hypno's POV~~~

Silence surrounds me as I wander through the dark hallways of the tower. My eyelids droop as the somberness of my situation threatens to swallow me whole. Everything is such a mess. I rub my hands over my eyes with a sigh. The sound of footsteps startles me and I jump back around the corner I just went by.

A shaded figure comes down the hall and stops at the basement door. My body relaxes as I catch sight of a familiar cape on the figure. Robin heads down the staircase and I turn invisible before following. He heads over to one of the stacks of boxes and removes one, setting it on the floor before opening it. He pulls out several little items from our last fight with Slade, including the man's mask.

The facial covering lets off a puff of dust as the Boy Wonder pulls it out and just stares at it.

"He's not coming back, you know," Cyborg says, causing Robin and I to whip around to where he's standing at the top of the stairs. "That's all that's left of him. Nothing but dust."

"We can't be sure. He was never captured. Never found," the Boy Wonder says.

"It's over, Robin. Slade's gone." I watch the two males as Robin hesitantly puts back the mask. Suddenly the room flashes red as the alarm goes off.

"Trouble!" Robin and Cyborg sprint up the stairs. As I go to follow them a chill runs up my spine. I stop at the base of the stairs as goosebumps rise on my skin. I glance over my shoulder to the box of Slade's stuff, still laying on the floor.


Cinderblock smashes his fists down on the dirt road causing all the guards surrounding him to fly back and land unconscious on the ground. The cement villain picks up a large truck and goes to throw it when an onslaught of starbolts hit him in the chest, forcing him back.

"Drop it, Cinderblock. Before we drop you," Robin commands as the blocky giant spots us on top of a large hill. Cinderblock chucks the truck at us and Raven turns it to pieces before it can hit. Beast Boy-in triceratops form-barrels through the cement villain and shoves Cinderblock to the edge of a cliff before the massive criminal picks him up and throws him behind a hill. My eyes turn (f/c) as one of the trees nearby suddenly pulls itself out of the ground and grabs Cinderblock.

The Anti-Villain | Robin Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now