Forces of Nature

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Thunder rumbles as lightning lights up the sky outside the tower. Inside, Beast Boy-who's in buffalo form-stretches a large rubber band and connects it to a hook as I watch with my arms crossed. He returns to human form with a smile. The green teen holds up a pink water balloon and lets out a wicked chuckle.
"This is gonna be so sweet!" He exclaims.

"What are you doing?" Raven asks, causing the boy to jump and nearly drop the balloon as she suddenly appears behind him. I snort at his reaction. "Please tell me this isn't another ridiculous prank."

"Okay. It's not a ridiculous prank... It's a brilliant one!" He laughs and Raven rolls her eyes, "All right, check it out. 'Member how Cyborg put red dye in my shampoo and I turned brown for two days?"

"That was great," I chuckle. The shapeshifter throws me a glare before he continues with his explanation.

"Well, sister, it's payback time. I give you... the Beast Boy Insta-Lube 9000! See, when Chrome-Dome steps around the corner, his foot tugs the string. The string trips the lever, the lever releases the mother of all rubber bands"

Beast Boy loads the balloon into the slingshot, "which sends a balloon-load of motor oil flying right at him, and BOOSH! Pretty clever, huh?"

"You're a genius," Raven says sardonically.

"It's just a little good clean dirty fun." The sound of a door opening catches our attention, "Here he comes." Beast Boy drags Raven and I off and we hide around a corner.

"I do not think-"


"But what if-"


"Why are we hiding?" Cyborg asks from behind us. My eyes widen but an amused look quickly replaces it.

"Shhh!" Beast Boy's eyes go wide and he flips out, "Cyborg?! You can't be Cyborg!"

"I can't?"

"If you're you, then who's-" The trip wire gets triggered and the balloon gets launched just as Beast Boy steps out to stop it, "NOOOOOOOO!" Starfire shrieks and the balloon explodes upon impact, drenching her in oil and knocking her onto her back, "Starfire!" The redhead sits up on her elbows and Cyborg, Raven, and I rush over.

"You okay?"

"This is punishment? I did something wrong?" the redhead asks.

"You didn't. He did," Raven says. Beast Boy gives a sheepish smile.

"Star! It was... you weren't supposed to," he trails off when he sees Cyborg and Raven's disapproving looks, "I didn't... Just remember to change that oil every three thousand miles." Beast Boy tries to laugh but it dies out as Starfire stands up.

"On my planet, we have a name for those who do such terrible things. You are a... a... CLORBAG VARBLERNELK!" Starfire shouts angrily. I snort and quickly smother it with my hand.

"I'm a what-bag?"

"You heard the lady," Cyborg says.

"You are such a clorbag," Raven adds. This time the snort escapes my throat.

"Come on, you guys. Can't anybody take a joke?" Beast Boy asks.

"I thought it was funny," I say.

"Yeah but you're not really helping my case here." A flash of lightning catches everyone's attention.

"Titans!" Robin shouts, his silhouette the only thing visible, "Trouble!"

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