The Apprentice Part 2

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A shadow covered figure drops down on to the roof of a circular building and climbs inside through a ceiling panel. He throws an S shaped device with Slade's insignia on it and it embeds in the frame of a glass storage container. Little red lights on the center of the device light up and it explodes in a bright flash. The figure pulls a round blaster, with a fin on one side, out of the destroyed container.

"He's stolen the Thermal Blaster!" A guard announces.

"Stop him!" Another guard exclaims. The figure takes off outside to the observation deck. As he runs, the guards fire. He jumps over the side of the deck and completely loses the guards.

"Where'd he go?" The guards continue in the same direction and the figure lands back on the deck behind them. He runs the opposite way and meets face to face with Beast Boy and Starfire.

"Freeze!" Cyborg shouts as he and Raven step up behind the figure. The thief takes off down a side path and the rest of the Titans follow. The figure slides to a stop in front of a little barrier and turns to face the Titans.

"That's not Slade," Beast Boy says as light shines on the figure, "that's...

"Robin," Starfire finishes. Said male throws a Slade themed projectile, which blows up in front of the redhead and causes her to land at the feet of the others.

"Yo!" Cyborg shouts.

"What is your deal?" Beast Boy exclaims.

"Not a word, Robin. They're not your friends anymore," Slade says into Robin's ear piece. I glare up at the man as I stand beside him at his computer. I cross my arms and watch as Robin uses the blaster, destroying the path in between him and the Titans.

"What are you doing?" Cyborg yells. In response, the Boy Wonder disappears through the smoke.


Robin steps into a spotlight and holds out the blaster.

"Excellent, Robin. I'm pleased. You're already proving to be the perfect apprentice," Slade says as he steps out of the darkness.

"This deal can't last forever," Robin growls.

"It can. And it will." Giant white screens light up behind the black haired teen and he turns to face them. Video of the chronoton detonator being destroyed plays. "The Titans still have no idea that my chronoton detonator was more than a decoy. Now that my probes are inside their bodies, they could remain undetected for years, decades."

The screen turns to static and then returns to white, "Unless, of course, you disobey me, and I decide to destroy your former friends with a push of the button." Slade steps out in front of the screens.

"Sooner or later, you'll let your guard down. I will get that controller, and the instant they're out of danger, you will pay."

"That sounds like a threat, young man." Slade steps forward and takes the blaster, "Quite a good threat, actually. Betrayal, destruction, revenge. We really do think alike." Robin grits his teeth and whips around.

He reaches for the button but Slade grabs his wrist and twist his arm behind his back. "I monitored your vital signs during the mission. Elevated heart rate, adrenaline, endorphins. You won't admit it, but at some level, you enjoyed stealing for me. It was a thrill, wasn't it?"

Slade let's go and Robin stumbles forward. He whips around to face his captor and rubs his wrist. "You're going to keep stealing, Robin. And you're going to keep getting that thrill. And sooner or later, you will see things my way. Who knows? I might even become like a father to you."

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