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Thunder rumbles in the clouds above us as we cross the expanse of plain gray concrete leading up to the front of Wakamono Shuppan. There's no one outside and our footsteps echo across the empty space, really selling the look of being closed for the night. I clench and unclench my hands at my sides during our trek up the hill. There's both excitement and anxiety running through me as we get closer and closer to the man who's been making our lives difficult for the last few days.

We stop at the front door and just like earlier, it's locked. We all step back, save for Cyborg. His arm changes into his sonic cannon and he takes aim. A blue blast hits the glass door, as well as the gray wall around it. There's a boom that makes my ears ring for a moment as the entrance gets blown in. A thick smoke cloud hangs around the new entrance, blocking us from seeing inside, and anything inside from seeing us.

Robin jump through first, followed by the rest of us. As soon as my feet hit the floor I get into a fighting stance. The smoke clears quickly, allowing my eyes to scan the area.

The large building is just as empty as the courtyard and just as quite. There's no sound of charging footsteps or even surprised shouts from the sudden attack. No shadows move across the plain white walls to indicate guards rushing at us. There doesn't seem to be anybody besides us in here.

"No guards," Cyborg mutters. We wait a moment longer to really be sure before Robin silently points us forward.

We make our way towards the back of the large entry room. Our footsteps sounding loud in the dead silence.

Then I hear something. A muffled groaning. It's so quite that I can't really be sure I heard it, but the others hear it too. Again, we get ready for an attack, but none comes. There's just more groaning. I tense up as lighting flashes outside, reminding me of the storm that followed us in.

"This way," Robin whispers, dragging my attention back to the situation at hand. We all follow his lead as he runs towards the back wall. There's a little alcove with some steps leading down to a set of double doors. The Boy Wonder leaps off the top of the stairs and with a boom he bursts through them. "Freeze!" Again, nothing. This next room seems to be just as empty as the first one, but it's hard to tell as it's pitch black.

Cyborg's flashlight pops up from his left shoulder and lights up the space ahead of us. Stacks of cardboard boxes and huge rolls of paper sit to my right, filling the area with the smell of paper and dust. On the left lays a monstrous printing press. It's almost the length of the large room and nearly touches the catwalk going around the perimeter

As we head further in I have a realization. The room smells very familiar. Dusty and acidic.

"We're definitely in the right place," I announce quietly.

"How do you know?" Cyborg asks.

"Because I've been here before... when I was in Saico-Tek's memories." Here I was thinking that looking into Saico-Tek's head was pointless. Glad I was wrong.

We cautiously make our way further into the large room, our footsteps echoing off the blank walls. Cyborg's flashlight reveals a set of rusting steps which lead up to a little platform against the back wall. A chair with several monitors around it sits on the platform like some sort of security station.

"Brushogun. He's not here," Robin sighs disappointedly.

Wheezing from the printing press cuts that conclusion short. The press lets out a hiss as a panel swings up, revealing a dark little compartment. An emaciated figure with tubes coming from its back sits up into our view.

"I am," the figure gasps. Every word seems to tremble as it leaves his mouth, like he doesn't even have enough strength to speak.

"Brushogun?" The man sits up more so the light can hit his skin. His complexion is gray and his eyes are sunken into his bald head. He looks like a corpse. This whole time Brushogun sounded so powerful and terrifying, but this man can barely breath let alone do much else.

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