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(W/c) = wall color


A malicious grin makes its way to my face as a glass case shatters before me. I reach in and pull out a diamond necklace before holding it up in the light of the store. A smile makes its way to my face as the diamonds glitter so perfectly.

"Thanks, Herb. Your help is very much appreciated," I say as I shoot the hypnotized security guard a smile. Herbert nods with a dazed look before slumping back over to his chair and away from the alarm system. I clasp the chain behind my neck and tuck the jewels under the collar of my costume before hopping out of the store. The sun is just beginning to rise as I make my way to the roofs of the building.

A satisfied hum leaves my lips as I head up to the tallest building in Jump City to watch the sunrise. My eyes flutter closed as the chilly wind glides over my skin. It's been much too long since I last stole anything, let alone sat to watch the sunset afterwards. I watch the darkness of the night sky fade to purple, then pink, then yellow as it touches the sun. I sit and watch the sun rise above the horizon and begin to peak over the top of smaller buildings before heading back to the tower.


A victorious smirk stretches across my face as I sneak down the empty hallway. Good thing the security system can't detect stolen items. Just as I go to step into my room, Cyborg comes zooming past, causing me to spin and topple over.

"Wait, Cyborg!" Beast Boy shouts as he comes down the hall after the metal Titan.

"What did you do now?" I ask, causing the shapeshifter to stop in front of me with a nervous look.

"Uh, I may have... downloaded an 'advanced' copy of a video game onto Cy's recharge station."

A snort leaves my lips as I get to my feet and dust myself off. "Good luck with that."

"Wait, you're not coming with me to the ops room?"

"Nope." I step into my room and the door slides shut behind me. I flick a light on and go to place the necklace and a few other goodies in a box in my closet. I brush my fingers over the smooth trinkets with a longing look before tucking the box away again. I flop onto my bed and grab a (magazine/book/sketchbook) from my bedside table.

A content sigh leaves my lips as I peel open the pages and the smell of paper fills my nose. What am I doing? I furrow my brows and drop the hobby item onto the bed beside me. I should be planning how to take over the world, not sitting here (reading/drawing). I sit up on the edge of my bed and rub at my forehead.

I don't even have an actual plan yet. As I sit in silent contemplation, the sound of Cyborg's voice stirs some curiosity in me. I peek out into the hall and see the Titans dragging the robotic male to his room. I raise an eyebrow and follow to watch Cyborg be put on a slab and restrained.

"We must help him," Starfire says as I lean against the doorframe, unnoticed.

"No problem," Beast Boy says. "I'll shrink down to the size of an ameba, get inside of him and-"

"And what, mess him up even worse?" Raven interrupts.

"Thanks, Beast Boy, but I think you've done enough," Robin says. "We need an expert."

"But who? The only one qualified to fix Cyborg is Cyborg," Starfire says.

"I hate to admit it, but there is one other person."

"Gizmo," I state. Everyone turns to me in surprise and a suffocating tenseness fills the room suddenly. Raven, Starfire and Beast Boy quickly file out, as Robin and I lock eyes. The usual butterflies feel sickening but instead of running off to puke, I don't move.

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