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I drop down on a tall, rocky ridge with the rest of the Titans beside me. A shout brings our attention to a blonde girl in shorts; boots; and a light gray, long sleeved shirt with a dark gray crop top over it. A large black scorpion has her pinned against the wall of a cliff.

"Titans! Go!" Robin shouts. The ground suddenly begins to shake and a chunk of rock lifts up next to Cyborg before we can even move to help. The blonde girl grunts as she brings her hands up, the rock following. The girl brings her hands down and the chunk drops on top of the scorpion, crushing it. The blonde smiles and tucks her hair behind her ear in victory.

I stare down at the girl with an impressed look. "Woah."

"She was not in trouble," Starfire states.

"She was leading it into a trap!" Cyborg exclaims.

"Question is..." Robin starts.

"Who is she?" Beast Boy says. The blonde girl raises her hands and a pillar of rock comes up underneath her.

"Guess we're about to find out," I say. The pillar brings the girl level with us, allowing her to jump onto the ridge.

"What? Haven't you guys ever seen a superhero before?" she asks. No one responds, we all just stare in surprise.

The Titans' leader comes to first and reaches out for a handshake. "I'm Robin. We're the-"

"Teen Titans! Rock on!" The blonde gives him a fist bump. "It's cool to meet you guys. I'm Terra, and you're Cyborg, Raven, Starfire, Hypno... and..."

"Boy Beast!" Beast Boy shouts. "...uh, I mean, Bass Boot!... No!"

"Beast Boy?"

The shapeshifter shrieks, then turns into a turtle and hides in his shell.

"Something like that," I say with a smirk.

"Dude! He's hilarious!"

"Hilarious?" Beast Boy repeats as he pokes his head back out. "Me? Really?" Terra gives him a wink and the shapeshifter returns to human form, hearts floating above his head.

"Guess we have a new potential couple," I whisper to Robin.

The Boy Wonder shoots me an amused smirk. "Seems so."

"Curiosity abounds," Starfire states as she flies over to the blonde. "Please. Where do you come from? How did you get here? What is your favorite color? Do you wish to be my friend?"

"Um... Earth, walked, red, and... sure," Terra replies.

"Hello, new friend!" Starfire scoops the blonde up in a bear hug. Squeezing her so hard that she can barely breath.

"How's it going?" When the redhead lets go Terra straightens herself out and Beast Boy slides up beside her.

"So, what brings such a cool little chickie to our big, groovy city, huh?" he asks.

"I go where the wind takes me, you know? I get to see new places, meet new people, stomp a few bad guys here and there." Robin and I share a concerned look, before turning back to the conversation.


Starfire clasps her hands together with a large smile. "Fascinating!"

"Well, all right!" Cyborg says.

"You mean... you don't have a home?" Robin questions.

"The Earth is my home. I've been crashing in a cave on the other side of the hill," Terra says.

The Anti-Villain | Robin Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now