Aftershock: Part 1

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"Okay, okay, I got one. Why are ducks so funny?" Beast Boy asks as we drive down the street in the T-car. "Because they're always quacking jokes!"

"Pull over. I think I'm gonna be sick," Raven says.

"Oh, I see!" Starfire exclaims. "It is humorous because ducks lack the large brain necessary for the telling of jokes."

"Actually, Starfire, it just wasn't humorous," Robin states as he looks at the redhead through the rearview mirror.

"Because Beast Boy lacks the large brain necessary for telling jokes," Raven says.

"Come on, Raven, you know I'm hilarious. And I'm not gonna give up until I get you to smile," the shapeshifter says. "Okay. Why did the aardvark cross the road?" I groan and rub my forehead as I sink further into my seat.

"To beat up the idiot telling jokes about him?" Cyborg and Robin laugh from the front seats.

"The idiot telling jokes," the mechanical male repeats as we pull up to a redlight.

"Now that's funny," Robin adds.

"Please. An aardvark is some form of duck?" Starfire asks.

"Nope," I state. The light turns green and the T-car pulls forward. I let out a yelp as the car suddenly rolls onto its side. I clench onto the seat as the T-car lands back on its wheels. "What was that?!" Starfire blows the crushed back door off with a starbolt as the engine hood flies into the air.

"Not again," Cyborg whines. We all step out of the car and the driver side door falls off.

"Terra?" Beast Boy questions as we see the blonde standing before us. From her neck down, Terra is wrapped in bandages with chunky metal guards on top.

"Hey, guys. Miss me?" the blonde asks with a malicious smirk. She raises her hands up and shoots a few rocks at us. I jump over the engine and behind the vehicle as everyone scatters. The rocks puncture and dent the side of the T-car. The blonde pulls up a boulder and drops it on the car, forcing me to jump away. Terra grunts as she lifts up a chunk of the street, which raises her into the air.

"Titans! Go!" Robin shouts as we all land back in front of the T-car. Everyone charges as Terra creates a fault in the street. A rock pillar shoots up underneath Robin and Raven, launching them into the air. The fault curls beneath me and I drop.

I gasp as I just barely catch the edge. I see Starfire get hit with a rock and go flying over me as I pull myself up. Cyborg fires his sonic cannon, splitting Terra's blacktop vehicle in half. The blonde launches the second half at the mechanical male, knocking him back. Beast Boy turns into a hawk and grabs onto the edge of Terra's platform.

"Terra, stop! We're your friends!" the shapeshifter exclaims.

"I don't have any friends, remember?" the blonde spits. Terra uppercuts the green male, throwing him off the chunk of road. Starfire catches Beast Boy as the blonde flies past before placing him down on the street. Terra jumps off her platform and lands beside an unconscious Robin. She raises up two rocks which move to crush the black haired leader.

Just before she can release the rock, I jump and kick it out of the way. When I land on my feet, I throw a punch. Terra stumbles back and rubs at her nose as I clench my fists. Raven steps up beside me and lifts the boulder off the T-car.

"Don't make me hurt you," the half-demon says.

"Don't make me laugh," Terra replies. The blonde breaks Raven's hold on the boulder before sending three rocks at us. I'm able to jump out of the way, but the rocks hit Raven and throw her back into a light pole. Robin kicks Terra's hand and attempts to punch her. Cyborg comes in with a punch of his own, but only succeeds in getting accidentally kicked back by Robin.

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