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I yawn and flip to another a page in my (magazine/book/sketchbook) as I sit in the common room of the tower. Starfire and Beast Boy hang streamers and a 'Happy Birthday' banner from the ceiling. Cyborg sets a cake and the rest of the food on the dining table while Robin finishes blowing up balloons. The only missing member of the Titans is the whole reason behind the decorations. Turns out, from some snooping on Beast Boy's part, it's Raven's birthday. The surprise party probably would have all been ruined pretty early had the half-demon not locked herself in her room since yesterday.

"Alright, it's six pm," Robin states once everyone is done. "Hypno, go get Raven." I sigh and set down my entertainment before getting off the couch. Most of the lights in the hallway are off and it's starting to get dark outside. I knock on the half-demon's door and turn invisible as I wait for her to answer.

"Hello?" Raven calls. The door slides open as she steps out, prompting me to start down the hall. As I turn a corner I drag my nails along the wall to coerce her to follow. I probably could have picked a less frightening way, but what's the fun in that? I lead the half-demon all the way to the common room, where I wait in front of the door.

Once Raven steps into the dark room I head behind the curved couch with the rest of the hiding Titans and turn visible. The lights suddenly flick on, momentarily blinding me, and the four hiding teens jump up with a shout of, "SURPRISE!" Raven screams and phases through the floor like she was about to be attacked. I grimace and share a look with the other Titans.

"Uh... Raven?" Cyborg calls.

"It is merely us, you're friends, with warm wishes for the day of your birth," Starfire adds.

"I told you a surprise party was a bad idea," Robin says.

"The freaking out might have been partially my fault," I say. "I may have put her on edge."

Raven rises back up through the floor, much to our relief. "How did you know it was my birthday?"

"It was all Beast Boy." The changeling shoots me a glare for ratting him out.

"And we have been preparing your celebration ever since," Starfire adds.

"I hope this is okay," Robin says. "It's-"

"No. It's not," Raven snaps. Oh. Well that wasn't what we were expecting. "Look, I really appreciate what you're trying to do here, but I'm not interested." The cloaked Titan turns and starts back towards the door.

"Come on, Raven," Beast Boy says. "I know you hate fun, but it's your birthday. It's special. You can't let this day end without-"

"NO!" All the balloons pop with an ear ringing bang and the banner rips itself into shreds. The cake in front of us explodes and splatters us all with the colorful frosting. I wipe the sticky substance off my shoulder and when I look up Raven is gone.

"I told you a surprise party was a bad idea." I roll my eyes at the shapeshifter's comment.

"Give it a rest," Robin says. He and I share a look before we both follow after the half-demon and stop her in the hallway. "Raven, what's wrong?"

"I just don't like parties."

"Oh, we know that, but you're especially bothered by your birthday. Why?" I ask.

"Just trust me. If you knew anything about the day of my birth, you'd know there's nothing to celebrate."

"Well we don't, because you won't tell us." Raven ignores my comment and walks off. I rub my fingers against my temple before turning to Robin. "I can go check on her later. In the meantime we should help the others clean up."

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