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The smell of metal and paper fills the dimly lit vault along with the sound of paper shuffling. Not a single alarm has gone off and all the guards are busy doing what I tell them. Several bank guards stuff cash into the bags at their feet as I watch over them. One of the guards knots the top of his bag and tosses it by the vault door with a few other filled bags. Jump City probably has the worst security I've ever encountered.

"What are you doing here, Hypno?" a familiar male voice asks. An excited smirk crawls onto my face. "You're supposed to be back in Gotham." I look over my shoulder and see Robin glaring at me. The amusement on my face drops into a pout from the mean look on the Boy Wonder's face. One little argument with the Bat and he's suddenly all business.

"I figured I'd follow you here. Keep some entertainment in your life." Robin's glare only deepens.

"Release the guards and go home before I make you."

I let out a chuckle and a grin curls up my lips. "Promise?" Robin suddenly lunges forward. I kick up one of the untied bags filled with cash to act as a distraction. The bills block my vision but I already know the Boy Wonder's coming for me.

I step to the side just as he bursts through the cash cloud. I jab Robin in the side and he retaliates with a kick. His attack hits me in the chest, causing me to stumble back. Two of the mind controlled guards grab the Boy Wonder by his arms and he struggles against them. I step closer to the male and lean towards his face. "You're really no fun like this, you know."

Before either of us can make our next move, the building shakes. I look around as dust falls from the ceiling, then a green light streaks across the sky outside the window. Several blocks away a large green ball of light appears, just visible over the tops of the buildings. In my confusion the mind-control stops and all the guards fall unconscious.

"Go back to Gotham, Hypno," Robin-now free-says before turning and running into the street. A frown comes to my face and I step out of the bank and see the black haired male running towards the green light. I climb up onto the roof of a nearby building and follow the Boy Wonder at a distance. He stops in front of a pizza places that's shaped like a slice of pizza. A red haired alien throws around cars and other debris in the street that's laying in front of the building.

She's dressed in purple and silver armor. Her hands are cuffed together but also covered by an outer shell on the cuffs. The alien flies over to the pizza place and smashes her restraints against a pillar. She shouts something in another language as the concrete on the pillar chips off. Then a baterang hits her in the back of the head.

She whips around with a pissed off glare and sees Robin standing in the street. I squat down so I'm a little harder to see as the two face off. The redhead charges and before the Boy Wonder can jump out of the way, the alien suddenly stops. She looks down and sees that her feet have sunk into the street. Robin quickly scans the roofs and his gaze stops on me.

He notices that my eyes are (f/c) and gives me a thankful nod, to which I reply with a wink. He jumps at the alien and shoves her back a little, breaking my illusion and putting the fight back into motion. The pair rush past an alley in their fight, drawing my eye to a figure watching them. It looks like a teenage girl, but it's hard to tell because the cloak she's wearing casts a large shadow on her face.

The Boy Wonder hits the alien with his staff, breaking the weapon in half. The redhead charges but gets head-butted away by a... green goat. Where did that come from? I tilt my head my head in confusion as the goat changes into a boy with green skin dressed in purple and black. He also has on a mask which covers his hair and goes around his eyes.

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