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I flip through my (magazine/book/sketchbook) as Raven floats in the middle of the room, meditating. The sound of a door sliding open grabs my attention and I look up to see Starfire come in.

"Raven?" the redhead calls, oblivious to my presents, "Raven? Please forgive my interruption, but have you seen Robin?"

"No," the cloaked female states without opening her eyes.

"Oh." Starfire turns to leave but stops and turns back, "Perhaps you have seen Cyborg?"

"No." The redhead turns to leave but, once again, stops.

"Beast Boy?"

"My eyes are closed, Starfire, I haven't seen anyone."

"They must be doing the hanging out someplace." She turns to leave again... but stops, "Perhaps we and Hypno should do the hanging out. We never have before, and conceivably it could be fun. We might journey to the mall of shopping, or perform braiding maneuvers upon each other's hair, or-" Starfire cuts herself off as she sees black flames surrounding Raven, "You wish to be alone?" Star backs away as I go back to my (reading/drawing).

"How could you tell?" The cloaked teen sits up straight and goes back to meditating, "Azarath Metrion Zinth-"

"MAIL CALL!" Cyborg shouts as he and the other two boys barge into the room from the elevator. Raven yelps and falls to the floor.

"Robin! Cyborg! Beast Boy! You are back! It was... quiet while you were gone," Starfire says as she excitedly flies up.

Raven stands and brushes herself off as I get up from my seat.

"Not that quiet," the half-demon says. Cyborg heads over to one of the kitchen tables and sets down a decent sized crate.

"Check it out. This was sitting by the front door. Fan mail, probably a gift from one of my many admirers," Beast Boy says.

Raven rolls her eyes as Robin leans in to look for a tag.

"Actually, it doesn't say who it's from," he states.

"Well, one way to find out," Cyborg says and tears the top off the crate, "Whoa!"


"Honestly, I was kinda hoping for chocolate," Beast Boy says as he peeks into the box.

"I agree," I say as I lean on Robin. Cyborg reaches in and pulls out a small puppet replica of himself.

"Aww, isn't that cute? Puppet Cy has a light-up eye," he says as the little LED glows with the push of a button.

"Yeah. They got all the details just right," Robin says as he fiddled with his mini-me's grappling hook.

"Speak for yourself. I'm way better looking than this-and taller," Beast Boy protests.

"You wish," I scoff as I fiddle with my double's (accessory).

"Someone certainly has a lot of time on their hands," Raven says as she pulls back her puppet's hood. Starfire giggles as she moves around the little marionette.

"I have never seen such a whimsical device," she says as she makes it bow.

"Hello, Starfire!" She makes the puppet say.

"Hello, tiny wooden replica of Starfire!" Beast Boy's marionette 'sneaks' up behind Robin's-who's doing martial arts-and kicks him in the butt.

"Dude! My puppet is totally kicking your puppet's butt!" the shapeshifter exclaims.

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