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The inky black smoke clouds around my head, forcing a cough from my lungs. Cyborg changes his arm into a fire extinguisher and sprays it into the oven, putting out the start of a fire. I wave the cloud away from my face and peer into the appliance where a tray of-what was going to be-cookies sits smoking on the rack. I put on Robin's pair of oven-mitts and pull the black tray out, dropping it on top of the stove. I sigh and look over at Cyborg, to see what he has to say about the charcoal on the baking pan.

"Now what, oh master baker?" I ask as I lean on the counter right behind me.

"Uh... we start over?" the mechanical male says as he rubs the back of his head. I groan and let my head fall back in dramatic fashion. "Hey, you were doing good, until you had to set the timer." Cyborg flashes me a teasing look and I snort.

"It wasn't the timer, I put the wrong temperature so it's probably also raw on the inside." The metal Titan shakes his head in amusement and and starts prepping the ingredients again.

"For someone who's only had a few weeks of baking experience you're doing pretty good." Cyborg hands me two eggs and I crack them into the bowl.

"I've been taught how to bake before, it was to keep me out of trouble." A small smile quirks up the sides of my mouth, but a slight burn begins in my eyes.


"No, it was someone he introduced me to. His mentor's mentor."

"With all the stories you have of you and Robin I'm surprised y'all didn't get together earlier."

"You know Robin. He's all work and it was worse back then."

"That's scary to imagine." I let out a laugh and nod in agreement as Cyborg hands me the little bottle of vanilla.


After the rather eventful day of baking yesterday, all the Titans-beside Cyborg-decided to relax and watch a zombie movie.

"It's here! It's here!" Cyborg shouts as he runs into the common room with a delivery man beside him. The delivery man is pushing a dolly with a tall crate.

"What's here?" Robin asks.

"My super new, super fast, super powerful Maximum Seven!"

"Please, what is a 'Maximum Seven'?" Starfire asks as we all step up in front of the crate.

"It's a new computer processor," Robin states. "Eight times faster than the Maximum Six. So, I guess we're upgrading the Titans computer."

"No. We're upgrading me!" Cyborg exclaims.

"You? Why?" I ask with a surprised look.

"With the Maximum Seven I'll be able to do more, see more, and get more out of life then ever."

"Dude, you actually want to do more stuff? My goal in life is maximum couch time," Beast Boy says.

"I understand wanting to live life to it's fullest but putting a chip in your brain?" Robin questions.

"My head's already full of chips and I ran a complete diagnostic before I ordered it; the Max Seven is fully compatible with all my systems. Totally safe." Cyborg knocks the crate with his elbow and it falls open. A little red chip floats in the center and we all huddle in for a closer look.

"Yeah, that looks safe," Raven says while the others oooh and aah. Cyborg snatches the little black and red chip out of the air and heads to his room to install it.

The Anti-Villain | Robin Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now