Only Human

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Robin jumps forward as he attempts to punch me, but I step out of the way. I swing my leg around to kick him in the jaw, but he ducks. The Boy Wonder pulls out his staff as my eyes begin to glow. Several dumbbells behind me, fly up and hover around me. I raise my eyebrow challengingly as Robin steps into a fighting stance.

The weights fly at the black haired male and most he deflects. One dumbbell hits him in the shoulder, causing him to stumble.

"How was that for 'being able to feel it'?" I ask. Robin rubs at his shoulder as he stands straight. "You could do better." I raise my brows with a smirk, before sending another weight at the Boy Wonder. The dumbbell hits Robin in the chest, causing him to fall onto his back.


Starfire flies by, catching my attention as she avoids lasers coming from several circular drones. The redhead flips oround and retaliates with a few starbolts. She destroys a few of the drones and flees from the rest.

"Azarath Metrion Zinthos!" Raven exclaims as three large cylinders float off the ground and towards the redhead. Starfire weaves through the cylinders as the remaining drones crash into them. A monitor shows Beast Boy's stats as he, in tortoise form, runs on a treadmill. The shapeshifter changes into a bighorn sheep and the numbers on the monitor go up. He changes into a cheetah and the numbers go up again.

One of the drones hits the ground beside the treadmill and Starfire lands beside it. The redhead looks up to see yellow metal slabs being dropped onto a much larger chunk of metal begin held up by Cyborg.

"Just a... little more," he grunts, sweat pouring off him.

"Come on, Cyborg, push!" Robin cheers as he and I make our way over to the mechanical male.

"What's it... look like I'm doing?"

"Punch it, Cy! Straight through the roof!" Beast Boy exclaims.

"Yes! Inform that large mass of metal who is the boss!" Starfire adds.

"Uh... go, Cyborg," Raven says. The others begin shouting encouragements, but the metal Titan begins to crumble under the weight.

"It's no good! Shut it down!" Cyborg shouts.

"No way, Cyborg! I won't let you quit! Come on, push!" Robin replies.

"Uh, Robin-" I say.

"I can't!" Cyborg shouts.

"Yes, you can!" Robin exclaims.

"No... I... CAN'T!" With a shout Cyborg collapses and all the weights fall behind him. Robin puts his hand out to help up the metal Titan as Beast Boy steps up with a sign with a 9 on it.

"I give you a nine for the dive"-Beast Boy says and pulls out another sign with a 2-"but a two for the landing." Cyborg stands up, ignoring the Boy Wonder's helping hand.

"Nobody asked you," the mechanical male snaps and shoves past the two. We all stare after him but Robin goes to follow. I sigh and turn invisible before following the pair into a separate hallway.

"Cyborg! What happened back there?" the Boy Wonder asks.

"Get off my back."

"I'm on your side, remember? I was just trying to get you to kick it up a notch."

"I don't have another notch! I'm not like you, okay? When I say I can't, I can't!" Cyborg goes down the hall but stops and sighs. "When I was an athlete... when I was human... I loved pushing my limits.

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